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TCX X-Five (formerly Oxtar Matrix) Review


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I've been virtually shopping for cooler weather/winter boots for about a year, since my old BMW Contours were starting to fall apart. After much (too much, probably :D ) reading and trying things on, I bought a pair of TCX X-Fives (formerly the Oxtar Matrix). After a month and around 1,000 miles I'm very pleased. Some thoughts:

  • They were comfortable out of the box.
  • They're easy to walk in and wear all day.
  • No shifting issues.
  • They are supportive. Keep in mind that the X-Fives are touring/commuting boots, so there is no way they'll be as sturdy and supportive as a pure dirt or even a bigger DS boot.
  • Certainly warm enough for north Texas winter riding. A day of riding in the 40s and my feet were never cold.
  • Good retention with the velcro and zipper enclosure. Again, nothing like a pure dirt boot with buckles, etc... But certainly more than adequate for touring/commuting, etc...
  • Haven't tested the waterproof-ness yet, but all leather and gore-tex makes me think they'll be fine.
  • They have good ankle and shin protection (again, for a touring/commuting boot).
  • Also, at just over $200, they're reasonably priced given TCX's quality and the fact that they are an all leather boot.

I think if you do a search you'll find years of excellent reviews for the Matrix/X-Five (check out WebBikeWorld's review of the older Matrix (LINK), and other reviews here at ADVrider). IMHO, particularly for the money, they're a superb all-round sport/touring boot. A pic:





BTW, my summer boot is the TCX Air Tech XCR (bought them when they were still Oxtar, but the TCX version is identical). Same sole as the X-Five, and after three summer seasons and ~20,000 miles they're going strong.


One of my issues was fit, and TCX's 45 fits perfectly with normal athletic socks. I do replace the insole with a Superfeet green. It snugs them up just a bit, and makes an otherwise good walking boot a great walking boot.


Other boots that I seriously considered:

  • Sidi Canyon gore-tex - Love the boot, but I'm between a 45 and 46 for everything Sidi makes.
  • Sidi On-Roads - Same problem. Between sizes. Love the boots, though.
  • Rev-it Apache - Again, love the boot. Like the Sidis I'm hopelessly between sizes 45 and 46.
  • TCX Infinities - Love the boots. They were my first choice. But the tall (14") Infinities won't go around my monster sized 20" calves.
  • BMW Allround - They're a lot like the X-Five, but its a bit more expensive, and I couldn't find anyplace that'd let me try them on.
  • BMW Pro-Touring - IMHO its too much money for what you get. With tax its a $400 pair of boots. No more protection and not a lot more retention than the X-Five for nearly twice the price. For what you get they just didn't seem worth it.
  • Vendramini Daytona or Marathon - Can't try them on coupled with the fact that the only US distributor won't answer emails or voice mail messages.
  • Daytona RoadStar GTX - Again, can't try them on, which, when it comes to boots is a big deal for me. The folks at Helimot were great about answering email enquiries. I'd love to get to San Jose and try on a pair.

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I love my Oxtar Matrix boots. I am only considering a change in my next boots for added ankle torsion control. But I like the all-black non-Power Rangers look and that is hard to find in an even-more-protective boot.


Used to be you could find the Matrix cheaper, $160 or so. They are indeed properly waterproof, tested in many drenching rains. If I have a complaint it is a silly one -- they don't insulate your feet as well on a truly cold ride as much as you'd expect. I wished for electric socks a few times.


I also think the sole pattern wears a little too fast. Might be just because they are comfy and I do walk around a bit with them on.

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I ride in Sidi On-Roads winter and summer. As stated above, I am kind of in between sizes but nothing a thicker insole didn't take care of. The bit of extra room allows thicker socks in the winter.


The boots are waterproof, comfortable out of the box, and tolerable in hot weather. I just finished my second year in these and they look like they will go several more. They are one of the few things I'd pay full retail for if I couldn't find a deal.



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Assuming they're really the same as the older Oxtar version, I can vouch for their waterproofness. I've stood in a stream in mine to cool off my feet, and my feet stayed dry. Great boots.

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I like em so much we have 3 pairs....one for the wife and one for me with a brand new back up pair in the closet for when they finally wear out.


Comfy, waterproof and holding up well!

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I have two pairs of Oxtar Matrix. One 7 years old, the other 5 years old (I rotate them) and love 'em. Never a comfort or water issue with them...can wear them all day as they are like heavy slippers :grin:. Still in great shape with lots of wear left in them.


As far as care goes, I simply wash them off when dirty and polish them two or three times a year.

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Add me to the list of Oxtar Matrix lovers... As another poster noted - the soles do wear out faster than others because you end up wearing them all day. (With other boots, I'd always carry a backup pair of shoes for off-bike use - after owning the Matrix for a while, I quit carrying the backup shoes.)


My only beef is that the reflective patch on the heel looks a little out of place when you're in a meeting. :)

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