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Dyna Beads??


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I have right at 10,000 miles on a set of Avon Storms (I know that may sound a bit much but it's true) and they have been smooth as silk from day one with the dyna beads.


I have a bit of cupping on the left side of the front tire but not enough to be felt through the bars. Someone told me it could be caused by the crowned roads around here. The front is nowhere near the wear indicators and the rear is just approaching them.


I will be ordering new tires in the next month or so and will for certain use dyna beads in them.



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I have them in 2 bikes now and they work IMO. I did an experiment once. Mounted new tire and rode without doing any balance work. Then, balanced the wheel with std wts and ride improved. Took the wts off and put DB's in the tire. Ride was actually slightly better with the DB's. I have mounted my own tires for years and done balance work on them so I know what I am doing in that regard. Some people need some proof beyond statements by lots and lots of us who use them, but I couldnt care less about that since I am convinced by my own test and ride experience. FWIW.

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I have them front and rear on my Triumph Daytona. I'm convinced that they really work very well.


I don't have them in my RT and the tire wear from a set of ME 880's is disappointing so I'll be replacing them soon (the front is almost completely shot).


I'll be adding Dyna Beads in both tires.


Linz :)

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We tried a similar product in a Firestone shop where I worked, then ran the tires on the spin balancer just to see what would happen. Did not work, sometimes showed balanced,sometimes not,repeatedly. A year or so later we changed the customers tires with no particular benefit that we could see since they got less than warranteed miles out of 3 of the tires and the 4th was completely shot long before they brought it in. Since the customer had run "experimental" balancers of his vehicle no mileage claims were allowed! This was on a car, but the chief mechanic regulated the beads to the realm of fantasy when asked about them and he was a good mechanic! The customer had the new tires balanced normally by the way. The physics behind this product escapes me since I think it would ensure out of balance conditions.

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Has anyone tried this product??? If so, was it a good thing or not??


Years ago we (the motor company I work for) ran some tests on balancing beads,, balancing liquid,, ball bearings in a round tube (not sure what that thing was called)..


As you probably know none of the motor companies use those beads,, most trucking fleets don’t use them,, I haven’t seen racers use them,, very few tire stores push those products..

I think some late model washing machines use a liquid filled circular tube device (similar to the function of Dyna Beads) to clam down out of balance spin cycles where too much laundry weight ends up on one side of the basket..


Can they work? -- Sure,, Do they work? -- Not always..


There were some problem encountered when testing those beads..


First off they only work in tires that have smooth equal thickness insides.. They become a problem on stiff suspension vehicles that don’t allow easy tire/wheel unrestrained movement.. They do NOTHING for lateral wheel disturbance (lateral dynamic imbalance) or wobble if you will..


Some of the problems are the tire ALWAYS goes through an unbalanced mode as it starts off from a stop until the beads find their proper home.. Every tire input bump disturbs the beads so they again go through an unbalance period before finding a balance point again.. They don’t stay put on heavy lateral G forces (probably not a big deal on a motorcycle).. One of the biggest draw backs is moisture in the tire & cold weather.. It only takes a little moister & freezing weather for the beads to stick in large clumps & that is a problem.. Tire repair plugs sticking into the tire can also disturb their function..


We couldn’t get the balance to stay in spec enough to prevent smooth road shake at certain speeds (not real bad but noticeable & measurable)..


Obviously motorcycle tires are narrower & more rounded inside so that probably helps their function a little (especially the lateral imbalance aspect).. Motorcycle tires are also pretty stiff side walled so that would help tire dynamic distortion that messed with the bead function.. The motorcycle suspension is fairly stiff with solid axle restraint so that would hinder their function somewhat..


I guess those beads wouldn’t be my personal form of primary tire balance but if I had a vehicle that would need the tire/wheel removed to re-balance I would consider the beads as a convenient way to achieve a level of balance that would be acceptable until next tire change out..




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