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Nolan N103 NCom


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So, I just got my new helmet with bluetooth capabilities. I'm trying to get my bluetooth devices to discover the NCOM, but no luck. I must be doing something wrong. I've got a BlackBerry Tour and a BMW Nav III GPS that I am trying to get to discover the NCOM. I thought they would pick up the helmet right away when I turned the EBOX on, but nothing. Any advice?

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UPDATE: I figured it out. Pouring through the Google results I found this site:




Excellent instructions on there. Much better than the instructions provided with the kit. I found out you need to hold the power button for 8-10 seconds until you hear some beeps and it puts the NCOM EBOX in "discovery" mode. I did that and the phone and GPS quickly paired with the NCOM so I'm good to go.

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