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Nolan N102 and N103 owners


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Since I have to replace my Nolan N102, I was wondering if those of you that bought the N103 think it is as comfortable as the old 102? Have you had any problems with your 103's?


Of my 4 helmets, I think the Nolan is by far the most comfortable. The best replacement cost I can find on an N103 is $300.00 shipped.


Are there better deals out there?


Thanks :)

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I think $295 is the best you will find. I did a lot of searching and went with www.extremesupply.com. They had the model (N103 Outlaw) and color (flat black) that I wanted. Plus, they installed the kits for me (no charge). Prices are about the same as johnlt got. $296 for the standard and $310 for the Outlaw version. I haven't done much testing with it yet. So far, the only criticism I have is that it is heavy, but doubt that will be a factor until my next BBG IBA LD ride.

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So far, the only criticism I have is that it is heavy,


Yes, they are heavy, but I have a carbon fiber helmet (light weight) for when I need more of a wind blast lid. The weight of the 102 never really bothered me behind a wind screen.


I think both of you are right that they are about $300.00


Do the 102's and 103's fit similarly?

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Love mine, and have been waering them since the N100(no E) and have had at least one of each iteration. The 103 is noisy or so I hear, I wear plugs so I have not noticed, and the venting is superb.

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I went from a 100 to a 103. It seems more noisy but it could be that wearing the 100 for many years just got me so used to it that it seems quieter, or it could be the 103 just has more stuff hanging in the breeze (have used ear plugs for years). I don't understand how the 103 with the sunscreen inside would be louder than the 102 screen outside, but never having used a 102 I wouldn't know. The 103 keeps rain out much better that the 100.

As for comfort, out of the box the 103L fits much more snug than my 100L but that comes from wearing the other helmet for years. Snug is good until about 10 hrs into a ride. I did get XL cheekpads to replace the L pads which helped (and I've also used a Slik for years which also helps). When I took the 103 out of the box the left chin vent panel didn't seem connected to anything and would just flop open or closed. Moving the vent button up or down would only move the right panel. I took the chin bar apart and found the vent mechanism was not very robust (sufficient for its purpose I guess). One of the pins in the mechanism was not engaged. An easy fix but the engagement is very slight anyway. Has held up since. I would suspect it's the same setup as the 102 so that shouldn't be indicative of a 103 specific problem, just a one-off failure on mine.

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Since I have to replace my Nolan N102, I was wondering if those of you that bought the N103 think it is as comfortable as the old 102? Have you had any problems with your 103's?
While this is TOTALLY unresponsive to your question, I own a 102 and while it is not the most uncomfortable helmet I've ever owned, it come close to being the most unfortunate helmet I've ever owned. Ever since taking it out of the box, the plastic bits on this helmet would pop off - like the covers for some of the harware and communications cutout. The anti-fog shield never got installed because during a very cautious installation process, the plastic nubs designed to hold the inner shield to the outer broke off. I'm really hoping Nolan has addressed these quality issues in their subsequent offerings because, at their price point, they are a great alternative to Shoei and Arai.
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I've had two Nolan 102s (one for my pillion) for over three years and have had none of these problems. You say the plastic nubs broke off. On my shield those pieces can be popped out of the shield and popped back in but are virtually unbreakable. ???

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I went from an N102 to an N103. I would try the N103 on before you buy it. I have a large 102 and a large 103. Next time I will get an extra large. The helmet by itself is comfortable. It becomes uncomfortable when I wear sunglasses (clear or tinted) for more than an hour or so. The internal visor allows me to take my tinted sunglasses off during the day, but sometimes I would rather ride with the clear visor up, and I will only do that if I have glasses on.


Here is the link to the $249 N103's at Competition Accessories. Not a bad deal - if you are OK with the color options in this sale.


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I just sent them a note requesting a $46 credit. I paid $295 two days ago and I haven't even received the helmet yet. Thanks for the heads up.

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I just sent them a note requesting a $46 credit. I paid $295 two days ago and I haven't even received the helmet yet. Thanks for the heads up.


John, you may want to check on that. When I went to their site there were different syles at different prices. For me to get the 249 price I would have had to order pink.

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I have 2 103's here....wife wears a medium and I wear a large. Feel free to stop by sometime of you want to try em on. I even have a large 102 as well as a large syncrotech and a medium HJC (all flip jaw style) for comparisons sake...send me a PM if you think you are coming up this way.

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I just got an N-103 N-COM. Very pleased with the quality and fit of the helmet. Very comfortable yet not loose. My install of the Autocom speakers and mic was a breeze compared to my Schuberth. I love that I can remove all of the liner elements to wash etc. That is really a great feature. The internal sunscreen works great, and is easy to use. Both the full shield as well as the sun screen comes off easily without any tools. My only reservation is that it is much more noisy than my Schuberth. It is not necessarily the wind noise because that seems about the same and not really an issue but the basic helmet structure seems to transmit all noise through the walls more. I particularly notice the engine noise. I'll probably start wearing ear plugs again. Every other feature seems top notch and I really like the helmet.

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