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Garmin 2610


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So I just recent got a 2610 from a friend that seems to work well, in fact I doubt is was even used much at all, but the map is the older series (2004?) and I am thinking about doing the update which I imagine will cost $75 or so....just wanting some feedback if you think it is worth it, the current maps are lousy around my place but is the unit itself worth the upgrade cost? I know I will also need a large flash chip but they are around $20 for 2GB so that is no big deal.


I remember back when these and the 2620 were out the 2610 was supposed to be the better choice for a bike because of the flash chip vs. hard drive design.


Thanks for your thoughts....

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Meaning, the 2010 map update will be the last available for the 2610. Which essentially means that for $75 you can get a few more years use out of it (the maps don't change all that much each year) but eventually you'll have to upgrade. If the unit is in primo shape it might be worth it to use the 2610 for a few years and then buy whatever the latest and greatest is at that time, as always just kind of depends on how much money you want to spend and when.

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It will be $99 bucks for the upgrade, so I going thru a similar thing (upgrade map or buy a new GPS) - I've sold my bike and I need a better map for the car.


I would say go ahead and upgrade the map. You've already spent $75 for an excellent MC GPS, you'll get even more years of it. Plus, Garmin might sell out of the DVDs a few years for now.


BTW, enjoy the new toy :thumbsup:

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If you don't want the 2610 I'd be happy to pick it up from you as the back on mine is cracked and I could use a new one. I'll tell you up front that if you don't need all the bells and whistles it is a great GPS...

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I have the BMW Nav II, similar to the 2610. Not to highjack, but a question.


Has anyone taken one of these units apart? Mine is acting up, and not repairable per the Garmin website. What happens is the screen is jittery, and the display either changes by itself or locks in one position. If I hit escape, it goes back to normal for a few minutes.


Seems like it could be a lose connection inside somewhere, but wonder about opening the unit up, etc.



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I have the BMW Nav II, similar to the 2610. Not to highjack, but a question.


Has anyone taken one of these units apart? Mine is acting up, and not repairable per the Garmin website. What happens is the screen is jittery, and the display either changes by itself or locks in one position. If I hit escape, it goes back to normal for a few minutes.


Seems like it could be a lose connection inside somewhere, but wonder about opening the unit up, etc.




Try going in to your settings and turn off the IR. Sometimes this can cause your symptoms. HTHs!

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If you don't want the 2610 I'd be happy to pick it up from you as the back on mine is cracked and I could use a new one.

Sent you a pm.

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I have a 2610 and love it. It has more features and for me, is easier to navigate than the 2720. Where can I get the 2010 maps for the 2610?



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I have the BMW Nav II, similar to the 2610. Not to highjack, but a question.


Has anyone taken one of these units apart? Mine is acting up, and not repairable per the Garmin website. What happens is the screen is jittery, and the display either changes by itself or locks in one position. If I hit escape, it goes back to normal for a few minutes.


Seems like it could be a lose connection inside somewhere, but wonder about opening the unit up, etc.




Call garmin, there is a way to calibrate the screen, not sure it will help, but it is one of the things they can tell you how to do over the phone. It may take 15 - 20 minutes to get a hold of someone but once you do they are very helpful. I had a 2610 and they helped me with a few issues, once it died i bought a 2720 and i've had issues with that one as well. For about $100 you can't beat the old street pilots though.

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So I spoke with Garmin and it is indeed $75 to do the upgrade to the latest version, but I also need a set of the V5 disks which I don't have. The tech said any set would work and it isn't "illegal" to do so, but they no longer have them available so I am hoping someone will let me borrow theirs long enough to do the upgrade....I already have the new disk so it would be a fast turnaround.





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I have the BMW Nav II, similar to the 2610. Not to highjack, but a question.


Has anyone taken one of these units apart? Mine is acting up, and not repairable per the Garmin website. What happens is the screen is jittery, and the display either changes by itself or locks in one position. If I hit escape, it goes back to normal for a few minutes.


Seems like it could be a lose connection inside somewhere, but wonder about opening the unit up, etc.




Check and make sure your memory card is fully seated in the slot.

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Mine did the same thing; it made the unit useless. It was still in warranty and was replaced by a new one that still works great.


Didn't answer your question, but shared my experience.


Good luck taking it apart....

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I have the BMW Nav II, similar to the 2610. Not to highjack, but a question.


Has anyone taken one of these units apart? Mine is acting up, and not repairable per the Garmin website. What happens is the screen is jittery, and the display either changes by itself or locks in one position. If I hit escape, it goes back to normal for a few minutes.


Seems like it could be a lose connection inside somewhere, but wonder about opening the unit up, etc.




Your screen is sensing touch. I flicked my screen a few times with my finger and then recalibrated.

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Looked for an IR setting didn't find one. Can you expand on where to look for this? Thanks.


I tried re seating the memory card, and I have flicked the screen a few times, not real change.


While looking of the IR setting, I found a screen calibration process, did that, no change.


Each of these seem to help for a short time but the problems return after a short while.


One other question, what does the hand icon, on the bottom left side of the screen indicate?


Thanks in advance.

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From the release notes for firmware 4.40:


Added ability to disable remote control input: From any page, press the 'Menu' key, then select 'Options'. Select the 'General' tab, then press the 'Menu' key. Select 'Disable Remote'.


So you have to have 4.40 or above.

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So I spoke with Garmin again and the tech this time said I had the correct disk and just needed the upgrade, which I paid for ($75) and now the maps and routing work as they should....not bad at all...even have the remote!


Thanks to the folks who tried to help, not sure if I was not clear with Garmin the first time around or the tech just gave me bad info, but in any case I am up an running!

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Thank you, for two items. The process to change the IR (remote) setting, and the fact that release notes include these types of instructions. I thought they only listed the changes.


My unit has OS 4.8, so I changed the IR setting as you described. Would never have thought to use the menu button after entering a menu screen, but that is exactly what worked.


Now to go for a ride and see if it helps.


It is interesting that I previously had black tape over the IR receiving sensor on the unit, because I suspected that when the sun hit it, it would change the screen. Now I think the screen was poor or defective from the start. But we'll see.


Thanks again.

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