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Booster Cables


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Has anyone ever made or purchased jumper cables specific for motorcycles?


My wife's battery died recently at a gas station. Would have been nice if I could have jump started her F650 from my R1100. Instead, I had to rid home, get the car and use my automotive cables trying not to short anything out.....


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I've used the aerostich ones and they work fine. I always carry them. On the 11XX bikes, I just use a screwdriver to reach the positive terminal and connect the jumper to it. Not something I would want to do frequently but it does work. Just need to be carful to touch ground. Some have added a shielded pig-tail to the positive terminal that can be used to attach the jumper to. That would be a better solution.

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Came across this, the UpStart, Inc. Motorcycle Booster Cable product. Made for bike-to-bike and/or car cigarette lighter socket.


Seemed pretty flimsy when it arrived but I thought it was better then nothing so it ended up in the Trip Kit. To my surprise, it worked just fine the one occasion I actually used it (bike-to-bike). YMMV



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Thanks for the tips. I'm thinking of making my own jumper set from unused clips from battery tender parts. I may have to upgrade the cable but #8 should be enough for occasional use.

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I made a set from some lamp cord and smallish alligator clips. Obviously the wire is too thin a gauge to be effective as jumper clables in the classic sense... My intention was to use them as "charging cables", where I would at least have some option, rather than no option at all. They are compact enough that they live on the bike full time.


I've been in the boat where my 1100rs was dead and I wanted to jump it from the Mrs' f650cs... Neither battery is accessible enough to do much good. It's almost always easier to push start or bum a jump off a passerby in a car, than dig the battery out of both bikes.

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