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Gerbings Discount?

Tug Butt

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Looking at getting the jacket liner and dual controller where I can add the gloves later. Did a search to see if anyone had done a permanent install and where they mounted the controls and saw some folks had gotten a 20% discount. Anyone know if that's still available and do you have to order direct from Gerbings if it is? Many thanks in advance for any information. Oh yeah, new member.

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I'm not sure about any discounts.


I recently bought a liner, a pair of G5 gloves, and a dual controller. I've probably put 2k miles on wearing the liner, half that with the gloves. They work great, I'm very happy.


The dual controller has been a disappointment. It works fine, but the logistics are challenging. I clip it to my belt with the little leather case. Sometimes it slips off. Sometimes the case get's opened by my jacket. Worst, often the knobs are turned by rubbing on the jacket. I'll be riding along and all of a sudden it's either super hot or super cold. With the G5 gloves on I don't have enough feel to turn the knob. So I have to pull over, remove the glove, tweak the knob, put the glove back on, etc. They should have made the knobs the click type.


I was just about to order a hard wire kit, but wasn't very enthused about that as I am a multi bike rider. Then I stumbled across the warmnsafe remote controller. Part of it stays in your jacket, the other part with the knobs you mount somewhere on the bike. This remote part is water proof and battery powered, so I'm thinking a bit of dual lock on each bike and I'm all set. Does it work? I'm not sure yet, it arrives tomorrow. I'll definitely post a report when I've had a chance to use it.

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I'd follow FB's advice and keep the Gerbings controller for using with Gerbings products.

There are diffs.


I clip my controller on the outside of my jacket where my jacket has an adjustment belt.

Nothing affects it there.

No problems in years of use.


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Tug Butt, strange handle?


If you go to-




-then pick the Gerbings you want & place it in your cart, then go to the cart & enter code




in the appropriate box at check out you will get a pretty substantial discount shown..


Now I haven’t ever bought from them so don’t how much the shipping is or how quick the shipping but they DO/or DID anyway have a pretty good Gerbings discount..





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Thanks everyone, the left fairing "pocket" is where I was thinking of mounting the controls, nice clean setup. Thanks for the pic fightingpiper and thanks for the link Twisty 1, I'll give them a look. The handle by the way was given to me by my 5 older brothers and sisters, I'm not sure anyone can remember why but it's just kinda stuck for all these 54 years.

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Nice install. Question, on the Gerbing permanent mount units. What's the interface between the rider and the bike? I assume for dual control units like yours there are two wires from the bike to the rider? Is that the case. So there are connections at the jacket, then connections to wherever you mount the two connectors?





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I owe you one Twisty 1, I just saved about $70 using the link above on my Gerbings order. Free shipping too on orders over 50 bucks.

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yes there are two wires and I run the wires out from under the seat when I need them and keep em tucked under the seat when not in use.

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I would like to mount the permanent temperat5ure controllers, and then have a plug beside them where i could plug a lead to the coat. I see gerbings have a flexi lead, but that would only be one link. does anyhow have a plug and system that works nice and neat so that you don't have to have leads hanging out from under the seat?



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Tug Butt, strange handle?


If you go to-




-then pick the Gerbings you want & place it in your cart, then go to the cart & enter code




in the appropriate box at check out you will get a pretty substantial discount shown..


Now I haven’t ever bought from them so don’t how much the shipping is or how quick the shipping but they DO/or DID anyway have a pretty good Gerbings discount..





The discount is no longer working. It was still working this weekend, but perhaps they got flooded. Thanks Twisty - I saved $68 on my order. Now to visit the Warm and safe web site to finish out.

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