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Pivot Pegz


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I'm enjoying my new GS Adv, but am struggling a bit with the pegs. They are wonderful for standing. For regular road riding, I find myself ending up with my boots angled such that my foot contacts only the very front edge of the peg. This doesn't work for long before it starts to inflict pain.


I'm intrigued by the pivot pegz. If I understand it they would rotate forward to allow my foot to use the entire surface. That would be awesome, I think. I'm wondering about the spring tension though, would there be a lot of pressure wanting to return it to horizontal? Do those of you that ride them like them? I searched hear and a few other places but didn't find much info other than their site.


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My friend has them on his '07GSA. Loves 'em,best thing since peanut butter!!

Me,I test rode his scoot and in my opinion OK, but thats me. I'd spend the money elsewhere...but maybe you'd love 'em too.

As far as the spring tension....didn't really notice that as a factor for shifting or braking. ;)

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I used them briefly while test riding a friends KTM 300. They seemed to work well for me as a tall person with somewhat large feet. I particularly noticed that they allowed me to have less ankle bend which enabled me to use the rear brake much easier than a fixed peg. Then again, the owner was about 6'4" and had the brake lever lowered as well. I didn't notice spring tension a bit. This is hardly an objective test; just my observations from a quick ride.

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I’ve had them on our ’05 GS for a long time now. I love them. Much more comfortable and have been rock solid durable. At first I thought the pivoting part might be disconcerting, especially when standing up, but that hasn’t turned out to be so. The spring tension seems to be just right; not too tight that you are fighting it and your foot would get fatigued, but not so loose that they feel ‘wobbly.’

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