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ok you insurance experts....


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Hit a deer about a month back while riding my buddy's bike. Long story but we just swapped bikes to ride to dinner. Both of us have Progressive and both of us have Comprehensive. According to Progressive, my gear that was damaged is not covered under his policy because he wasn't riding the bike when damage occurred. I can't disagree with that, but they also state my gear isn't covered under my policy because I wasn't on my bike when it happened.


Anybody else have this sort of experience and what language of the policy should I focus on to get compensation?


If I'm not covered I accept that but I think I'm sorta getting the run-a-round so far.



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Did you get the Deer's info......maybe his/her insurance company doesn't have their heads up their arse


I can't believe that your insurance agent can't fix this with a single phone call. I would threaten that they cover it (however they can) or both you and your buddy are going to walk to a new insurance company. I have had some issues with my agent in the past that was easily solved once I mentioned that me and my large extended family (who also have multiple policies through them) was watching the outcome of the situation very closely. Turns out that fixing the problem was a lot easier once they were faced with losing a bunch of business.

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too old to care

I have had bad luck dealing with Progressive. I was rear-ended a few years ago and the lady that hit me was insured by Progressive. She was sited for following too close and failure to have control of her car.


Progressive recommended a body shop that I took my car to. They did a poor job on the repair so I decided to trade the car in. No one would take it as a trade in due to the Car Fax report. I sold it out right for less than ½ of KKB trade-in value and asked Progressive to make up the difference. No way, they told me that they are not responsible for reimbursing me for my loses, just fixing my car.


Needless to say, I changed my bike insurance from Progressive to another company immediately. Good luck with your case.


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I have had bad luck dealing with Progressive. I was rear-ended a few years ago and the lady that hit me was insured by Progressive. She was sited for following too close and failure to have control of her car.


Progressive recommended a body shop that I took my car to. They did a poor job on the repair so I decided to trade the car in. No one would take it as a trade in due to the Car Fax report. I sold it out right for less than ½ of KKB trade-in value and asked Progressive to make up the difference. No way, they told me that they are not responsible for reimbursing me for my loses, just fixing my car.


Needless to say, I changed my bike insurance from Progressive to another company immediately. Good luck with your case.

Yeah me too. Was driving (with her permission) my (now) ex-wife’s car when it was totaled by a Progressive insured driver a few years ago. They tried all means possible to get out of the claim because my wife’s car wasn’t owner-operated at the time. Which made zero sense to me. In the end they paid up, but I had to get a lawyer involved.


At the time I had bike insurance through them, and I was so PO’ed I canceled it because I vowed to never give them another penny.


Insurance companies… Shish. I’m soooo glad insurance is a regulated market in Alberta!


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What if you told them you were wearing your buddy's gear?


we thought of that but since they already knew my buddy was on my bike AND ok....


But yes, as screwy as it sounds, if I borrow my buddy's bike and crash wearing my gear, it looks as though I'm not covered. But if I wear his grear, it's covered.


Insurance companies, gotta love 'em.


thanks for the replies. I might have the deer exhumed to ask some pointed questions. Maybe if I can get the deer to comply with my assessment that it wasn't me he was trying to take out, I might get some help.



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Not to defend insurance companies, but the time to ask what is covered and what is not covered is when you purchase the policy, not after.


The consumer needs to take responsibility for knowing what they are purchasing. Maybe that would explain some of the variances in rates between policies, what is and isn't covered.

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Not to defend insurance companies, but the time to ask what is covered and what is not covered is when you purchase the policy, not after.


The consumer needs to take responsibility for knowing what they are purchasing. Maybe that would explain some of the variances in rates between policies, what is and isn't covered.


Absolutely, lesson learned. The question I should have asked was, "if me and my buddy trade bikes, (which we do all the time), what's covered?". I assumed my gear would be covered on his bike and vice versa. Especially since we have the same company. Just got off the phone with the rep and he can't do anything. So I'll be taking my three bike policies away from Progressive. (the beauty of Capitalism!)


Again, lesson learned.



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Just a suggestion, when shopping for your new company be sure to explain your situation and see if your new company would cover this type of claim.


And while at it ask as many other situations as you can. And better still ask in writing and request written answers.


Not being critical of you, but we all need to be more aware of the specifics of transactions we take for granted.


Does your homeowners insurance cover contents of your car in an accident or theft? What about your laptop in your car, stolen or accident? What deductibles apply? What are the max payouts? Etc., etc?


Are unlicensed drivers/riders covered? What about your under 26 child if not specifically included on a policy, who happens to need the vehicle (car or bike) for a few days? While his is in for repairs etc.?


What illnesses are, are/not covered on your health insurance? Does your health and life insurance include injuries or death while riding a motorcycle?


Just saying.

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Not wanting to poke the fire here but replacing my motorcycle clothing/helmet/gloves is the least of my concerns when making a collision insurance claim. With deductibles approaching the cost of gear, who cares?

I figure damaging what you are wearing is the cost of riding..just fix or replace my bike.

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That is interesting, pose it this way, what if your buddy didn't have insurance, and you rode his bike - the damage would be covered by the uninsured motorist portion of your policy. I'd appeal it well beyond your local agent. Like to the State department of regulation.

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I've got State Farm and have been very happy with them for many years now. I don't know about the gear coverage though, as I am like a few of the others that feel gear is my deductable and most likely if I am involving the ins. co. then I have bigger concerns.

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Not to defend insurance companies, but the time to ask what is covered and what is not covered is when you purchase the policy, not after.


The consumer needs to take responsibility for knowing what they are purchasing. Maybe that would explain some of the variances in rates between policies, what is and isn't covered.


+1...the lady on TV sells Progressive Insurance from that store with all the "insurance" boxes. You need to know what's in the box when you purchase it.

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In spite of what was said, I would go back and say that after further review you realized that you were wearing your buddies gear because it was a better match for the motorcycle and your previous statement was possibly due to a head injury---I doubt they will get out lie detector.

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When I totalled my ST1300A in 2003, my motorcycle insurance agent advised me that the gear I was wearing was NOT covered by the motorcycle insurance. However, AT THE INSURANCE AGENT'S SUGGESTION, she said I should call my home insurance company and see if they would cover the (very) expensive damage to my gear (helmet, gloves, leather pants, motorcycle jacket), Alpinestar boots.) Sure enough, my house insurance covered the loss (less the 'standard' deductible fee.)


See if your home insurance co. will assist you in replacing the loss.


Good luck.



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Susan's gear was covered when she lowsided her bike. Our insurance company covered her new helmet (arai with J & M installed) and new riding pants. Told us that the gear is always covered. Not sure if she was on another bike? USAA. Had it for 30 years. Some troubles, but usually willing to work for us. Some pressure applied on occasion and a walk away threatened once about 10 years back. Overall, very good support.

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If you have an agent, I would ask the agent and the adjuster to show you where in your policy it is excluded. Exclusions are supposed to be listed. If they can't I would escalate and definitely not sign a settlement agreement.


Not related. I loaned a buddy my gps and a $1500 pistol a while back. His car was broken into and both were stolen. His insurance company fully compensated me.... no depreciation. Bought both products new again.

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Good thread. Motivated me to actually go read my policy. My gear on me on my bike is covered. If I am on a borrowed bike, seems like it reads that policy is in full effect as long as I am on the borrowed bike because my regular bike is in for serivce, being towed etc. If I just borrow a friend's bike, then I am covered as far as liability is concerned but not comp or collision! So no borrowing bikes for me!! or loaing mine out!! Still seems like my gear is covered because it is an addtional rider on the policy.

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Good thread. Motivated me to actually go read my policy. My gear on me on my bike is covered. If I am on a borrowed bike, seems like it reads that policy is in full effect as long as I am on the borrowed bike because my regular bike is in for serivce, being towed etc. If I just borrow a friend's bike, then I am covered as far as liability is concerned but not comp or collision! So no borrowing bikes for me!! or loaing mine out!! Still seems like my gear is covered because it is an addtional rider on the policy.


That's interesting because I rented a motrcycle once and my insurance agent confirmed that my policy would cover the rental bike. Although I still got some added coverage because the rental place adds a clause that you're responsible for lost revenue while it's being repaired or replaced... which is liekly unenforceable, but a good motivator to get you to purchase their overpriced insurance pkg.


I would think that a rental would be similar to borrowing a vehcile. I may need to read my policy. I've swapped bikes with my buddy a couple times.

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