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Point me toward a 12v buss bar for tankbag

John Ranalletta

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John Ranalletta

They exist, but Radio Shack, Fry's and Lowes were no help.


These stores offer a barrier like this one:




I'm looking for a similar strip with each side isolated to hook up various bits in my tank bag.





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John Ranalletta

Thanks, but not looking for a fuse block. The tank bag lead already comes from a Centech attached under seat to the air filter.


However, something else on the site might work.






Thanks, again.


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John, I have used similar ones to the one shown in your original picture & just removed the brass tie straps between the screws..


Did you look closely at the ones you looked at to see if the brass straps can be removed?




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John Ranalletta

I don't have that exact barrier, but do have one from RS. The straps cannot be remove + there'd be no tapped hole for the screws if removed. I thought of taking them out and parting them in half but they're pressed into or maybe even molded into the plastic.

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John Ranalletta

Whoever said money's not a motivator was wrong. I was just about to go to WestMarine to buy $30 worth of buss when I glimpsed the answer right in front of me. Too obvious, I guess...


This is the RS barrier with a jumper on each side. I'll connect the (+) and (-) opposite each jumper and use the 3 jumpered contacts for autocom, radar detector and ipod.



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