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A lot of us (including me) use SmugMug as a hosting site for Ride Tale pictures. It's owned by a fellow rider, who also owns AdvRider. Anyway, I had one small issue with a photo and emailed customer service, figuring I'd hear--by email--on Monday or something. No big deal.


I got a call at home on Christmas, walking me through it, by a very friendly fellow.


That is definitely customer service.

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My photo web page is on SmugMug as well. Great site. I'm still sorta figuring it out; there are lots of changes to the layout, etc, I need to make. In my spare time I go online and make changes, add new photo albums, etc.


Great to know the staff there is so responsive. The site is a joy to use, that's for sure :thumbsup:

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I've been on smugmug for a long time now, and I agree, the customer service is incredible...!


Thanks, David for turning me onto the site many years ago, and thanks smugmug for the great job you do...


Steve in So Cal

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A lot of us (including me) use SmugMug as a hosting site for Ride Tale pictures. It's owned by a fellow rider, who also owns AdvRider. Anyway, I had one small issue with a photo and emailed customer service, figuring I'd hear--by email--on Monday or something. No big deal.


I got a call at home on Christmas, walking me through it, by a very friendly fellow.


That is definitely customer service.


Awesome. America needs this type of CS in the future as it has dwindled down to nothing for many, many companies.


On a side note I recently had a complaint with Sprint. I emailed them as per policy. For over 2 weeks I got an email EVERY day saying a CS rep would call within 24 hrs to resolve the dispute. There was an official complaint # attached as well. When I would reply to the email it would regenerate the same email back to me.


NEVER heard a word from them on the cell/telephone as promised by their dispute department.

So that is good you got a response.....


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How about everyone post a link to their site on SmugMug so I can admire your work? You, too, David :smile:


I'm about two-thirds building my site out--should be ready shortly.

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Lots of free hosting services out there so SmugMug needs to be better to maintain their customers' loyalty. They have my business and my loyalty.

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My web site is anything but professional looking, but I figure I have to start somewhere. Then I'll just refine it over time, and when I get time.


One problem you guys have is that if you have million dollar pictures -- and I know you do, David -- then you need a million dollar format in which to present them! At least that's how we tend to think of things. But I have to wonder if sometimes such photos look better with a more modest presentation only because the pictures themselves are so compelling. I'm the one who probably needs the million dollar presentation to compensate for the lack of quality and refinement in my work!


But hey, if its about having fun then I'm in great shape as I am having a great time taking these pictures.


Oh, on my way to New York City today through Tuesday to celebrate my 50th :eek: Anyhow, I am going to hit Times Square and see what kind of shots I can manage. They will no doubt result in yet another gallery on my photo web site.

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My smugmug site is a mess. But I use it almost everyday.


I use it to communicate with my sales folks by putting new or custom graphics on it so they can show customers. Each salesman has their own Gallery.


Every now and then I spend a few minutes on it tryin to organize it.








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Smugmug uses a fair amount of our servers and storage. Don MacAskill (founder and Chris's brother) is very tech savy. IMHO, Smugmug is one of the early consumer Cloud Computing providers.


Mike O

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