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Garmin MapSource Detail Levels


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I'm not sure if this can be changed but it really bugs me. When I'm using Map Source (6.15.x) I can't control the display of roads without zooming. Here's the beef. I cannot display anything below Interstates or US routes until I'm at a zoom level of 1 mile. Above that, the lesser roads disappear. I need some setting for the threshold where certain items are or are not displayed (yes, I'm at the highest detail setting). There's some settings in the preferences, but road display doesn't seem to be one of them. It's driving me crazy, and that's a short trip.

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Doesn't matter John. Once I back beyond a zoom level of 1 mile, the minor roads disappear. I realize it would be impracitcal to display all the minor roads at a zoom level of 20 miles, for example, but there's plenty of times when I'm studying something that showing all the roads at 5 or 10 mile zoom levels would be handy.

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Al, I had some similar issues when I first went to 6.15.6,, it also had some issues with large flags & other object size issues..


When I updated to 6.15.7 most if not all the problems went away.. On my current 6.15.7 I still need to go down to 1 mile at the highest detail to see very small secondary roads or dirt roads but most major roads show up at 3 miles on high or highest detail settings..


I still likes 6.13.xx better for some (actually most) things (in fact I never updated on my other computers) but there is just enough new & better on the 6.15.7 for what I use it for to make me keep using it..




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It’s been a complaint about Garmin, both the units and MapSource forever. Many people think their details displayed algorithm is too conservative. If anything they seem to be heading the other way though. My (larger screen no less) new Zumo 660 display’s less detail than my older Quest 2 at the same zoom and map detail settings level. Go figure. I think it’s part of a dumbing down of their products to appeal to a wider user base.

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I've found no good alternative to using MapSource. The problem is that a slighly misplaced via from an imported gpx file can cause the GPS to route you in circles. These minor route departures are more than annoying ... they are distracting and, as a result, dangerous.


I am also disappointed with MapSource and the fact that usable, and for me, preferred, secondary roads only show up at "Highest" detail on the "1 Mile" view. I also find the included POI stuff pretty useless but keeping up with service station, motel and eatery openings and closings is a huge data gathering and filtering task so I use 'Find Nearest' very infrequently.



Here is the technique I have found to be the most effective for creating long milage routes that feature backroads:

1. Set waypoints at start and end points

2. Set waypoints for the places you know you want to go while on route

3. Set waypoints for river crossings

4. Set the Mapsource preferences to 'Direct' routing. (just straight lines, independent of roads)

5. Connect the dots from Start, through the special places and preferred river crossing points, to End.

6, Reset the routing preferences for 'Fastest Route' with road preferences set to the mid point between back roads and highways

7. Duplicate the Direct line route ... the duplicate will calculate and show a "Useable Route".


With these two routes in place, I zoom in to 1 Mile at Highest and begin looking for roads that are close to the straight line route ... when I find one that is promising, I'll drag the useable route to it and create a via. Since I'm at a very accurate scale (1 mile) the via points can be placed precisely ... no more U turns after going 1 block out of the way due to a poorly place waypoint!


I've developed a 'feel' for these smaller roads ... if they have spurs then they are probably paved ... if they run for many miles without spurs, or don't display house numbers along their length, they may not be suitable for my RT ... if they are questionable I'll google them or find the county lever road maps to get better info. Sometimes, I'll call businesses along these stretches of road and ask about the conditions.


Bottom line for me is that MapSource is a pain and I wish it were better. Nonetheless, it does speak the native language of my GPS and will perform reliably if programmed carefully.


It takes a while to create a route like this but the rewards can be terrific. My wife and I typically ride 5K+ miles 2up every summer and very little of that is on the interstates.

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ElevenFifty, you can export your MapSource route directly into Google Earth then fly the route at tree top level (must make the settings in Google Earth) & actually see most of your routing roads & see the road surface.. That is usually how I verify that a long involved route is motorcycle friendly.. Or if making an off-road route it is motorcycle unfriendly..





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Good tip! I have done that in the past. My old PC is a slow dog but I generally do export a gpx and open it in Google Earth ... I then turn on the layers that show GE's 'points of interest' and will frequently go back to MapSource and add those points to route.



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