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Escort 9500ix experiences? LaserBlinder Experiences?


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It's been almost two years since I got a ticket, so I figure I should be shopping for a radar detector so I can contribute to the local or not-local constabulary in 2010. I never get tickets unless I'm using a detector....


An allegedly independent test (speedzones.com) shows the Escort 9500ix is the best detector, and has the gps bell/whistle aspect for good measure, for reducing false alarms. The red light camera and speed camera database don't really apply to most Texas driving, but I guess might be helpful elsewhere.


So, I'd like to hear from you who're using the 9500ix, especially if you've had a Valentine in the past.


Is it as good at finding radar as the Valentine?


Does it really learn to silence false alarms with the gps?


I imagine Valentine will catch up in the next year or two, and deliver a unit with gps??


And regarding the Blinder M27 (http://www.blinder.net/), anyone using it on a bike? Does it really work on a bike?


My best ticket protection is to follow someone like Whip or Limecreek, if can keep them in sight. Whenever they see a cop or their detector goes off, they pat themselves on the head in a congratulatory manner, for having slowed down in time. I've learnt to slow down when I see them pat themselves. On the head.


Please, no offense, but if you just want to sing the praises of your (insert brand here) detector, rather than address the 9500ix versus the Valentine, start another thread :wave: .




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"I never get tickets unless I'm using a detector...."


Are you sure you want one?

Around here, Ga. & Fl., the fines for 20 over have gone up significantly.

Georgia's "super speeder" fines are an extra $200 on top of regular fine.

And $2,000 plus $200 in a construction zone.

Bsed on 75 on 2 lane roads and 85 anywhere else.

30 over and you're in deep dew dew in Florida.

Since putting mine to rest, I still get there.


Back to your post, 9500 feedback anyone?

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Mark, Escort makes a great product but save yourself a bunch of $$$ and do what I did (and some others on the forum): buy an Escort 8500 for $149 at their E-Bay store, set it for "NO X-BAND" which eliminates all the door openers and burglar alarms, and cruise along in quiet, except when the Ka kicks off! (or Laser). :thumbsup:

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Mark, Escort makes a great product but save yourself a bunch of $$$ and do what I did (and some others on the forum): buy an Escort 8500 for $149 at their E-Bay store, set it for "NO X-BAND" which eliminates all the door openers and burglar alarms, and cruise along in quiet, except when the Ka kicks off! (or Laser). :thumbsup:


I believe the BRP Skyline Drive still uses X band.

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Mark, Escort makes a great product but save yourself a bunch of $$$ and do what I did (and some others on the forum): buy an Escort 8500 for $149 at their E-Bay store, set it for "NO X-BAND" which eliminates all the door openers and burglar alarms, and cruise along in quiet, except when the Ka kicks off! (or Laser). :thumbsup:


I believe the BRP Skyline Drive still uses X band.



The Feds--now why doesn't that surprise me.....


However, with a potential $1200 Federal speeding ticket on the Parkway, I tend to keep it on 45 up there! :grin:


(6 weeks and counting, John. :thumbsup:)

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Yes, best to obey all postings....BUT it's not always a question of willful violation. Most or all of us "zone" out at times. But most/all cops won't accept this excuse. Detectors can serve to remind us to slow down. That's a good & legitimate use.


Second, there are clearly areas of highway and local roads used for reveue generation and this is likely to increase in these bad economic times. I can easily point to several within my area where "posted" limits decrease significantly & rapidly & are frequently patrolled by marked & unmarked cars running radar. In my view another instance in which detectors serve a useful & legitimate function.



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Not tried the new escort but have given thought to the V1 since I like. It's record and especially the idea of it being upgradable rather than planned obsolescence. That said, my inexpensive Bel 955 and 965 have saved me MANY times. But the idea of staying within reasonable speed limits is best.



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I have the M27 installed. It works. Can't really say anything more about it. Like they say in the ad.... "No more speeding tickets."



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I have the M27 installed. It works. Can't really say anything more about it. Like they say in the ad.... "No more speeding tickets."

Have you had it alert yet..?



BTW, I like the helpful install instructions... :grin:


Useful Tip for Optimal Performance

To obtain optimal performance, it is important to install all

transponders with the build in detectors oriented outwards!



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I have the M27 installed. It works. Can't really say anything more about it. Like they say in the ad.... "No more speeding tickets."



$700 for just a laser detector (jammer)? Holy moly. They must use a lot of laser in your area; rarely see it around here. For that kinda money, I think I'd just slow down. :eek:

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I have the M27 installed. It works. Can't really say anything more about it. Like they say in the ad.... "No more speeding tickets."

Have you had it alert yet..?


I have . To test it out, I went down an off-ramp where the troopers like to park and zap. It worked. Regarding the price, I figured it was worth avoiding just one ticket so I bought it. The vizalert connects to the V1 or an Escort as well which is a nice feature.

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I have . To test it out, I went down an off-ramp where the troopers like to park and zap.


How do you know it worked ? Did you check back with the cop and ask him if your laser jammer jammed his laser????



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It's been almost two years since I got a ticket, so I figure I should be shopping for a radar detector so I can contribute to the local or not-local constabulary in 2010. I never get tickets unless I'm using a detector....


An allegedly independent test (speedzones.com) shows the Escort 9500ix is the best detector, and has the gps bell/whistle aspect for good measure, for reducing false alarms. The red light camera and speed camera database don't really apply to most Texas driving, but I guess might be helpful elsewhere.


So, I'd like to hear from you who're using the 9500ix, especially if you've had a Valentine in the past.


Is it as good at finding radar as the Valentine?


Does it really learn to silence false alarms with the gps?


I imagine Valentine will catch up in the next year or two, and deliver a unit with gps??


And regarding the Blinder M27 (http://www.blinder.net/), anyone using it on a bike? Does it really work on a bike?


My best ticket protection is to follow someone like Whip or Limecreek, if can keep them in sight. Whenever they see a cop or their detector goes off, they pat themselves on the head in a congratulatory manner, for having slowed down in time. I've learnt to slow down when I see them pat themselves. On the head.


Please, no offense, but if you just want to sing the praises of your (insert brand here) detector, rather than address the 9500ix versus the Valentine, start another thread :wave: .

I've owned the 9500ix for about 3 months now (3,400 miles).


Can't compare it with the Valentine & don't have the Laser Blinder either;


IMO the 9500ix is one of the best detectors available at this time - it's proven itself time & time again ; it has lived up to it's billing as far as learning abilities (locking out false signals), sensitivity range settings, switching between my bike (RT) and cars is a snap; GPS enabled and custom adjustability make it a good value.


The Free weekly software updates from Escort is a nice bonus to keep up with the ever increasing roll out of red light/speed camera's & speed trap locations. it's a Great tool to have in your kit especially with most cities/states looking for easy revenue.


Mine has paid for itself already







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Question for those who own the 9500ix... I see that Escort advertises '360-degree protection', but I can't find any description of what that actually means. If it means that the unit can identify and display the direction of the radar source then it sounds like it may be a worthy contender for the V1. If it can't then it would seem to come down to which feature you value more, the GPS functionality (which if works as advertised does sound nice) or the number of sources and direction (as provided by the V1.) After getting used to the latter feature in the V1 I'm not sure I would be willing to give it up and that might be my one and only hesitancy about the 9500.


I think which feature set is more valuable would depend on where you travel. If mostly in the country where falsing isn't much of an issue then the GPS functionality wouldn't do much for you while the directionality of the V1 would be very desirable. But OTOH if you primarily travel in urban areas then the reverse might be true... the V1 would be falsing so much that the directionality feature would be of limited use and the speed and location-aware features of the 9500ix would really come onto their own. Most detectors (including the V1) are pretty near unusable in dense urban areas and if the 'find and forget' feature of the 9500 really works then it would be very valuable.

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No arrows on the ix (does tell you exactly what type of radar x/xa, etc./signal/trap or laser) that you are experiencing;


I live in the suburbs of Detroit and the learning feature is Excellent at eliminating false signals; Drive/ride by the same location twice and it is "stored" - never to be heard from again = Nice!


I've traveled some here in the midwest in unfamiliar cities and having it Warn me about red light/speed camera traps up ahead that I would not know about is very, Very helpful including laser and normal radar in the area is Awesome.









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I'm kinda liking the Blinder idea. I'd rather jam a signal than just know it's there, when it might be too late.


I'm not sure what the local police are using around here. We have County Sherrifs, FL highway patrol, city cops. How can I find out who is using what detection product?

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Ride very fast...





Now thats funny. And TRUE too! What a logical answer to the question.


Man, gotta be very careful how you position your question around Tallman.... :/ Allow me to rephrase that;


Is there a written source of information, that identifies what radar/laser equipment is being used by the various police agencies in Florida?

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Jerry Johnston
I have the M27 installed. It works. Can't really say anything more about it. Like they say in the ad.... "No more speeding tickets."


Aren't radar jammers illegal in most states? It would be obvious to the police when they saw o speed indicated.

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Aren't radar jammers illegal in most states? It would be obvious to the police when they saw o speed indicated.

Radar jammers are illegal by Federal (FCC) regulations but lidar (laser) jammers are not as current FCC regulations don't cover light frequencies. Of course any state can make them illegal (as some have done for radar detectors) but I'm not aware of any state that has done this yet. But if lidar jammers turn out to be effective and the price comes down to where they are commonplace then I wouldn't be surprised if we see that happen.

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Aren't radar jammers illegal in most states? It would be obvious to the police when they saw o speed indicated.

Radar jammers are illegal by Federal (FCC) regulations but lidar (laser) jammers are not as current FCC regulations don't cover light frequencies. Of course any state can make them illegal (as some have done for radar detectors) but I'm not aware of any state that has done this yet. But if lidar jammers turn out to be effective and the price comes down to where they are commonplace then I wouldn't be surprised if we see that happen.


Some states have made them illegal. This list is a little out of date but I'm sure that the list is longer not shorter now.





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I guess my info is even older :grin:, thanks for the correction. I should have guessed that Virginia at least would make them illegal.


I wonder about the VEIL product... most online tests seem to agree that it is somewhat effective, providing a 30-50% reduction in range depending on the type of vehicle. The smaller the frontal area of the vehicle the more effective so maybe a good choice for a motorcycle. It seems like this (combined with a good radar/lidar detector which you're probably going to have anyway) might give most of the protection of a jammer for much less cost, plus it will never show a jamming code on a radar gun. All the Veil product would need to do is give your detector a chance to go off before your speed can be read (or you see the threat) and tests seem to indicate that Veil might be able to do this, at least on a motorcycle. Anyone have any experience with it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just decided to buy the Blinder for the bike. Having it installed next week, in advance of the Cedar Key trip and the BBR trip.


I have looked at the Veil product but I don't know that I want to apply the stuff to the plastic light housing of my bike. Not sure if it diminishes the effectiveness of the headlight and I'm not confident that it won't hurt the finish of the lens.


I don't have a radar detector and that will probably be my next purchase. Trying to find a waterproof one that will alert in a helmet, either visually or audio.


Still researching. Will be happy to show the install of the Blinder if anyone is interested.

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