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EZ Pass

Alan D

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I purchased an EZ Pass so I can save time when I'm riding in the east. The instructions for the waterproof motorcycle transponder say mount it on the windshield. I'd rather not mount it there. I also would prefer not to buy a handle bar mount for my RT1200. I have heard you can mount it inside your topcase with velcro and I think I would prefer that. Anybody using an EZ pass mounted in your topcase or any other place excluding the windshield?

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Mine is in the top of the tank bag facing velcro-up. It works there about 95% of the time. I used to have it in the top case and the first time it didn't register at a toll booth, I moved it to somewhere accessible.

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I have an RT. I didn't want mine on the windshield either but it's the best and most reliable place for it. Sooo...I painted it black, raised the windshield all the way and mounted it at the bottom of the windshield. When the windshield is lowered, it's not possible for the ezpass thingy to fall to the ground (it could vibrate loose but has not in 18,000 miles) and it can't be stolen and best of all, you can't see it without trying to. I never think about it now -- it's always on duty and one less thing on my travel check list.

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That sounds good. Any pictures of that installation?


David, do you have it in the map section of your tank bag, or just in the tank bag?


Thanks guys!

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I velcroed mine to the underside of the right dash, just above the RID on the 1100. I'm going to take a hint from BarOne and paint it black, so it's less noticeable.


One of my favorite farkles, when I travel outside the state.

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I have mine in the tank bag window. It's the Massachusetts FAST-LANE version, but probably exactly the same as the EZPass. Every now and then, I don't get a green light, but I've never received any notice that it wasn't read correctly. Considering the locations where the waterproof versions are mounted on on buses and trucks (somewhere down near the road), I bet they'd work just fine carried inside a pocket of a cycling jacket.

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Mine is one of the lovely RV versions designed to be mounted on the front license plate. I just chuck it in the top compartment of my tank bag. Haven't had any issues, but I normally use the express lane so there's no indicator. I guess the lack of moving violations means it's working!



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E-z Pass plate is OK to hide in the tank bag- just leave it velcro side up as that side will face the overhead antennas in the fee lanes above you. You can also put it in your vest pocket if you like for security as long as when you come into the lane for the pass to register, you take it out and hold the backside (velcroed side up). No need to wave it around either. That will only confuse the reader and multi registers will be activated. Not good for you and if it drops out of your hand per chance? Not good either. Keep it in the bag. you should have no problems at all. The velcro on the windshield I thought was fine first off with the suppied 3m lock tape but after awhile of riding, I found that it came off very easy one day when cleaning. I think the plexus made the surface too slippery, so in the bag it will stay. If the green light does not come on ...don't worry, just go, that has happened to me a few times and it registered on . The camera will take a snpshot anyway to verify. stay the posted speeds in those lanes too. blowing through a 5mph at 20 and above will get ya into trouble if you do it often enough.

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The other point to be made is, make sure your license plate is registered on your EZPass account. That way, if it doesn't register in a gateless lane, you won't get a violation.


The only reason for having it accessible is if you get into a lane that has a gate and the reader doesn't read your EZPass so the gate doesn't open. I encountered one of those this summer heading into NYC. The gate didn't open, I waved the EZPass up in the air and nothing happened, finally a guy came over, took the EZPass, and held it next to the gate and it opened.


The readers are designed to read transponders at the angle of a car windshield, so if you have it horizontal, that makes it hard to read.

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I didn't have a chance to read other people's responses....but, I had my spare ez pass that I use when I drive a limo in a bag, on the floor, underneath the dash.


I checked online and sure enought I've been paying double :dopeslap: Now, the spare pass lives in the foil ziplock bag it came in. No more double charges. :thumbsup:

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Painting these things black might not be such a good idea. I cooked a black garage door opener carried on the top of my tank bag in two months.. A half hour in the sun, and that thing got HOT!


Spray painted the replacement white, no problems for three years now.


I carry my Sunpass either in a jacket pocket or a tail bag. Never had a problem.

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I attached a licence plate EZ pass with Zip ties to the front fork, underneath the front fairing. This has worked without problem in NJ and PA. At two toll booths in MD I wound up getting the charge by mail, with a $5 handling fee. :S

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E-z Pass plate is OK to hide in the tank bag- just leave it velcro side up as that side will face the overhead antennas in the fee lanes above you. You can also put it in your vest pocket if you like for security as long as when you come into the lane for the pass to register, you take it out and hold the backside (velcroed side up). No need to wave it around either. That will only confuse the reader and multi registers will be activated. Not good for you and if it drops out of your hand per chance? Not good either. Keep it in the bag. you should have no problems at all. The velcro on the windshield I thought was fine first off with the suppied 3m lock tape but after awhile of riding, I found that it came off very easy one day when cleaning. I think the plexus made the surface too slippery, so in the bag it will stay. If the green light does not come on ...don't worry, just go, that has happened to me a few times and it registered on . The camera will take a snpshot anyway to verify. stay the posted speeds in those lanes too. blowing through a 5mph at 20 and above will get ya into trouble if you do it often enough.


This doesn't work at all locations. I've had problems with pocket/tank bag and other locations primarily at the Midtown Tunnel, but also once on the Throgs Neck. People behind your are always very patient as they have to wait in traffic until you're cleared. ;>)


I now always keep it on the windscreen and never have issues.

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The only place I haven't tried to place it is on top of my helmet. All other places haven't worked. Now I just go through the red light and let them photo my plate and charge my account.

If they aren't going to make any effort, why should I?

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Mine is painted flat black and mounted on my dash. I put double sided tape on it to ensure it doesn't fall off, and I no longer worry about it at all. Flat black so no one sees it unless they are specifically looking for it. And it is on the same account as my car epass, so when I put money on one, both are covered!

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Mine is painted flat black and mounted on my dash. I put double sided tape on it to ensure it doesn't fall off, and I no longer worry about it at all. Flat black so no one sees it unless they are specifically looking for it. And it is on the same account as my car epass, so when I put money on one, both are covered!


The only issue with having it on the same account as your car is that I believe you won't receive the motorcycle discount at some locations. I thought it was keyed to your pass and not actually a check of your vehicle.


I'm now sure of this, but you may want to check.

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Mine is painted flat black and mounted on my dash. I put double sided tape on it to ensure it doesn't fall off, and I no longer worry about it at all. Flat black so no one sees it unless they are specifically looking for it. And it is on the same account as my car epass, so when I put money on one, both are covered!


The only issue with having it on the same account as your car is that I believe you won't receive the motorcycle discount at some locations. I thought it was keyed to your pass and not actually a check of your vehicle.


I'm now sure of this, but you may want to check.


I have one account and two transponders. The Motorcycle one says MC on it and the license plates are matched to the transponder. EZ pass notes about not switching them.

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I did the same thing with my R12RT -- placed it *under* the top of the fairing plastic panel under the windshield, dead center above the windshield motor/transmission linkage.


Totally out of sight, and yet zero problems with the overhead transponders picking it up when I go through the toll booths (the fairing plastic is essentially invisible to the RF signals).

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I painted mine flat black and it's velcroed to the top of the dash near the bottom of the windshield. You can't tell it's there without looking and the velcro is definitely strong enough that I'm not worried about it falling off due to vibrations.

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I had it stuck to the bottom of my Aeroflow windshield. I then took a long trip and found this nasty turbulent airflow hitting the front of helmet. I pull over, took it off, problem gone. Haven't found a new spot for it yet.




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