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Installed Laser Jammer Today


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After reading Mark's post on radar detectors and some other posts on laser jammers, I had the Cheetah M27 Blinder installed today.


I suppose one could argue that, if you drove the speed limit, you wouldn't need radar detectors or laser jammers.


While I'm not one of those guys that routinely does 100mph+ on the highways, I have found myself doing 50 in 35 or 75 in a 55 and I will admit to doing triple digits on occasion.


Anyway, even doing 50 in a 35 will get you an expensive ticket and points on your DL. Doing 90 on interstate could get you jailed. So, I decided to spring for the Cheetah.


Here's what I learned after spending some time in a state of confusion when I saw Blinder m27 and Cheetah m27 advertised.


The Cheetah IS the Blinder M27 you routinely see advertised BUT it has been modified for use on a bike. For example;


1)Cheetah Blinder has a waterproof handlebar kill switch. Non Cheetah Blinder has a non waterproof kill switch that must be mounted somewhere where it can be dry. Drilling hole might be required.


2) Cheetah has a wireless multi LED visual alert that attaches to helmet and can be positioned for your optimum viewing. Non Cheetah has a small speaker and SINGLE LED light. Not sure you would either hear or see the LED in enough time to slow down sufficiently enough to kill the jammer before raising suspicions.


3) Cheetah has waterproof connections from the control box to the laser jammers. I suppose that may not be important if under the seat but for some bikes, you can't install under the seat and need a waterproof solution for both the box and connections.


4) Both M27's are software updatable. As new laser guns are introduced, you can download new software from their site. PS: THE M25 IS NOT UPDATABLE.


5)The Cheetah's VizAlert will interface with V1, and several Escorts, Passports and BEL's. That means that if your RADAR detector alarms, you will see the alert and can distinguish X,K,KA,Laser, by the different LED colors.


I can see where this laser thing can be very dangerous. Due to the wonderful ABS brakes on my RT, I can drop 30mph pretty quickly. Maybe too quickly for the car behind me. :eek:


It took the installers 3 hours to install but they did a perfect job. The blinders have to be mounted leveland the routing for the wiring can be a little tricky.


The Cheetah costs about $200 more at msrp than the non Cheetah version. You may find that you don't want the VizAlert and you feel you can get to the non handle bar switch quick enough to turn it off when targeted. In that case, I'd save the $ and buy the Blinder M27.


I did look at other models from Escort and BEL and I've got to say that in reading many forums on both of the other brands, it seems like Blinder has the right product for the right price.


Heading out to Cedar Key tomorrow. My new radar detector hasn't arrived yet so I strapped my old Cobra onto the bike temporarily.


I'll report on the Radar decision later.





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Um, this is the internet. I'd be concerned about sharing such stuff. I know they are illegal in IL and if there is a fine to be collected then they are most certainly illegal in NY.


As for speeding: I don't, in low speed areas, as that is where slow moving drivers, pedestrians and children are most at risk.

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I'm old enough to remember when we used to play "Cops and Speeders", where LEO had to follow and clock you. Now with all the high-tech, radar and lasers, it takes all the sport out of it. Radar detectors and laser jammers at least gives us a chance again. I'd also like to know how it works--clean install for sure.

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Lovely install in those pics... We are all big boys and girls here. Speed limits are the most common law broken in America - I'm sure that says something about the state of our vehicle codes...


Just like everyone makes a decision about risk when they motorcycle, the same can be said for surveillance avoidance appliances.


MY concern with jammers is that they are active so by definition they interfere with police duties. Detectors, on the other hand, merely alert you to the fact you are under government surveillance. Either way I'd love an integrated solution that helps me from getting random speeding tickets.



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MY concern with jammers is that they are active so by definition they interfere with police duties.


I don't want to turn this into a discussion about this, but unlike radars of the past, where jamming was a federal issue because it dealt with the airwaves and frequency spectrum, the laser jammers are covered by the FCC's regulations, so technically you're not in violation at a federal level, and only a few states in the US ban laser jamming devices.


Let's face it, it's a cat and mouse game we as drivers/riders have played with law enforcement for a long time. At least the 55 MPH national speed limit has been abolished. Driving in west Texas was nearly always a ticket waiting to happen, which is why radar detectors were so important then. Now that the speed limit is 80 MPH out there, you see very few LEOs and even fewer handing out ticket.


Unless a LEO is specifically looking for the jammer, I think it's going to be hard to determine what it is on the bike. Particularly in this case where the installation is very clean. And without it being illegal in most states, I'm not sure they can do anything regardless. If they do, that would be a court case I'm sure a ton of lawyers would love to jump on.



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Um, this is the internet. I'd be concerned about sharing such stuff. I know they are illegal in IL and if there is a fine to be collected then they are most certainly illegal in NY.



I don't know what specifically you are referring to as being illegal but laser jammers and radar detectors are NOT illegal in NY.


Radar jammers are illegal in all 50 states.




New York Radar and Laser Jammer laws


Radar laser detectors and laser jammers are legal to own and operate in passenger vehicles in the state of New York.


Currently the only state that it is illegal to operate a radar detector is Virginia and Washington D.C.


Laser jammers are illegal to operate in the states of: Nebraska, Minnesota, Utah, California, Oklahoma, Virginia, Colorado and Washington DC.


Radar jammers are illegal to own and/or operate in all 50 states per the Federal Communications Commission.





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Always interesting how people have to lecture about things such as jammers, speeding, etc.


tomk99r11 - If you are referring to my comments, I am not intending to lecture. I am expressing my opinions. This is a discussion board.


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Um, this is the internet. I'd be concerned about sharing such stuff. I know they are illegal in IL and if there is a fine to be collected then they are most certainly illegal in NY.



I don't know what specifically you are referring to as being illegal but laser jammers and radar detectors are NOT illegal in NY.


Radar jammers are illegal in all 50 states.




New York Radar and Laser Jammer laws


Radar laser detectors and laser jammers are legal to own and operate in passenger vehicles in the state of New York.


Currently the only state that it is illegal to operate a radar detector is Virginia and Washington D.C.


Laser jammers are illegal to operate in the states of: Nebraska, Minnesota, Utah, California, Oklahoma, Virginia, Colorado and Washington DC.


Radar jammers are illegal to own and/or operate in all 50 states per the Federal Communications Commission.





I was referring to jammers, not detectors.


I thought a jammer was a jammer, and I made the mistake of not being in the know about radar vs laser jammer. Thanks for the education and clarification.


In IL I know someone who has a jammer installed on the car. I was told by the owner it was illegal. Naturally, it is hidden from view. The signal to alert the driver is hidden in the black of the dash. I am not aware if it is a radar or laser jammer.


Are you not planning to visit the states that don't allow the laser jammer or will you remove the jammers or will you take your chances that they aren't discovered?


I remember removing the V-1 as I rode through VA and tucking it deep into one of my locked cases.

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In IL I know someone who has a jammer installed on the car. I was told by the owner it was illegal. Naturally, it is hidden from view. The signal to alert the driver is hidden in the black of the dash. I am not aware if it is a radar or laser jammer.


Are you not planning to visit the states that don't allow the laser jammer or will you remove the jammers or will you take your chances that they aren't discovered?


I remember removing the V-1 as I rode through VA and tucking it deep into one of my locked cases.


If they said it was illegal in IL, it was probably a RADAR jammer.


If I visit a state in which they are illegal, I will not turn in on and if I get targeted, I'll just eat the ticket, shut up and hope they are none the wiser.

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pretty certain we can arrange a test when you're up here.


Of course if it doesn't work, you're on your own.


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How do you know if it works?


Are you serious?


Very. With a detector, I know I've been "targeted", it's now up to the cop to decide if he wants me or not.

With a jammer, you know you've been "targeted", did you're jammer actually jam the signal, or was the cop busy doing something else, napping, or not willing to pursue? You have no way to know if he "saw" you. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Always interesting how people have to lecture about things such as jammers, speeding, etc.


First off, that is a nice installation job. Really clean. I think we have a tendency to "protect the flock", so we are just concerned for the welfare of our fellow riders here and the public.


Personally, I don't ride or drive fast anymore, nor do I employ the use of any radar detectors, etc.

Yes, I do go over the posted limits at times, but not dramatically. When I see local speed cameras, vans, and radar units stationed at all the usual speed trap locations week after week, I don't begrudge anyone using laser jammers, detectors or whatever.

It is about revenue in these cases. I could go on and on about 20 and 25 mph limits in areas where a 45 mph limit would be too slow. The radar units always flock to these streets and locations. Why? Because they KNOW 90% of the drivers won't drive that limit there due to the ridiculous speed set there.


When speed limits are about safety, it's fairly evident. When it's about revenue raising, that's another story.

So, have fun with your jammer unit and let us know how it works.

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With a detector, I know I've been "targeted", it's now up to the cop to decide if he wants me or not.

With a jammer, you know you've been "targeted", did you're jammer actually jam the signal, or was the cop busy doing something else, napping, or not willing to pursue? You have no way to know if he "saw" you. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Yes, good point. Short answer is; I have no idea whether he "saw" me or not. What I do know is that the jammer "saw" him. How do I know that? Because the jammer alerts ME when it detects incoming. If he chooses to let me slide, well, that's fine. But if he is looking to meet his ticket quota for the month, I am going to try my hardest not to be one of his stats.


Just for the record, I am not a brazen speeder who constantly attempts to break the rules and snub my nose at LEO. I am just the guy who, on occassion, while not be paying attention to that 30 mph sign as I tool along at 45 or on occassion will twist that throttle in order to get out of a box of cars.


I just want to give myself every opportunity to minimize the financial costs of getting tagged for those situations.

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I'll be installing something like this on my next bike. Nice install job :clap:

The next best thing is minimizing all reflective surfaces.

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I'll be installing something like this on my next bike. Nice install job :clap:

The next best thing is minimizing all reflective surfaces.


To address a couple of things regarding laser jammers:


First, the use of them is illegal in Illinois. There are some conflicting posts on this.


Second, as far as minimizing reflective surfaces, it's worth considering a product called Veil, which absorbs light in the infrared range where LIDAR operates. Veil is applied to headlights and other reflective surfaces to reduce one's LIDAR signature, and independent tests of the product show that it can be remarkably effective. Neither a jammer nor Veil, used individually, is a shield against the effectiveness of LIDAR, but they can give you time to react to being "painted" by a LIDAR source. This is also true of a quality radar/laser detector; on several occasions my Valentine One has alerted me to LIDAR well in advance of being targeted, by alerting on laser signals bouncing off of vehicles ahead of me.


There are a lot of variables in the effectiveness of these products. The newest LIDAR guns are more difficult to jam, but some of the newer jammers are up to the task and will do so without producing a "jam code" on the LIDAR unit. It's a cat and mouse game, with both sides continually upping the ante.


However you come down on the question of whether or not to use this sort of equipment, the simple fact is that anytime you speed you're risking being tagged, whether it's by instant-on radar, lidar, VASCAR, or a "bear in the air." Calibrate your speed accordingly.

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Yep, it's a cat and mouse game and we are the mice. It's not really a game. In a game you can win, draw, or loose. We can only draw or loose :(

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With a jammer, you know you've been "targeted", did you're jammer actually jam the signal, or was the cop busy doing something else, napping, or not willing to pursue? You have no way to know if he "saw" you. Correct me if I'm wrong.


With a laser, it's not like RADAR - Cops leave RADAR on constanty - they can certainly be asleep, or not even in the car. Using LIDAR, he has to actively AIM the gun at YOU. And they don't do it for kicks, they do it to write citations. If you're doing unacceptable speeds, when the detector goes off, you might at well stick a fork in it, cause you're done. (Most places that's about +10 MPH, maybe 15 if you're REALLY lucky...)


If the Jammer goes off when you're +15, and you don't have a roadside conversation with Officer Joe, then it's ALMOST certain that the jammer did the job.


However - for the disbelievers, there are plenty of places that test these things, and the results are available all over the web. Even adjusting for those with an agenda, or a particular product to sell, the results are STILL very good. (Not all jammers are equal, but even the poorest performer's protection is better than none.)


Here in MA, a speeding ticket will run you $100 for the first 10 over, and $10 per MPH over that. (Source: http://www.motorists.org/ma/tic.html) Additionally, you'll be assessed a couple of points on your license, and the above referenced site estimates that to be an additional insurance cost of $500, on average.


So, doing 75 in a 55 zone (and there are a lot of those here) will cost you at least $700. If the jammer saves you from just ONE ticket, you've already put money in the bank.



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Yep, it's a cat and mouse game and we are the mice. It's not really a game. In a game you can win, draw, or loose. We can only draw or loose :(


You ALMOST got it there: It's a cat and mouse game - LEOs are the cats (somewhat apropos), and WE are the game.


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To address a couple of things regarding laser jammers:


First, the use of them is illegal in Illinois. There are some conflicting posts on this.



You are correct.


Sec. 12-613. Possession and use of radar or laser jamming devices prohibited.


(a) Except as provided in subsection (b), a person may not operate or be in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while the motor vehicle is equipped with any instrument designed to interfere with microwaves or lasers at frequencies used by police radar for the purpose of monitoring vehicular speed.


(b) A person operating a motor vehicle who possesses within the vehicle a radar or laser jamming device that is contained in a locked opaque box or similar container, or that is not in the passenger compartment of the vehicle, and that is not in operation, is not in violation of this Section. (c) Any person found guilty of violating this Section is guilty of a petty offense. A minimum fine of $50 shall be imposed for a first offense and a minimum fine of $100 for a second or subsequent offense.


(d) The radar or laser jamming device or mechanism shall be seized by the law enforcement officer at the time of the violation. This Section does not authorize the permanent forfeiture to the State of any radar or laser jamming device or mechanism. The device or mechanism shall be taken and held for the period when needed as evidence. When no longer needed for evidence, the defendant may petition the court for the return of the device or mechanism. The defendant, however, must prove to the court by a preponderance of the evidence that the device or mechanism will be used only for a legitimate and lawful purpose.


(d) A law enforcement officer may not stop or search any motor vehicle or the driver of any motor vehicle solely on the basis of a violation or suspected violation of this Section.



So, $50 vs $700 fine and....has to have reasonable cause to pull you over for another infraction or he/she cant take/ticket you for the first offense.


If I lived in Illinois. I'd take my chances...

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If I lived in Illinois. I'd take my chances...


It was a 495hp auto and it was well worth the turn behind the wheel. He only get's tickets, while at O'Hare, for not having a front plate. :grin:

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FLrider, good for you, nice install.I was thinking of going that route also. New laws in Ga for speeding (aka making money) is getting out of hand up here.


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While really don't have an opinion on the device I think you are fooling yourself if you think that is it a question of $50 vs. $700.


Re-read the following: (d) The radar or laser jamming device or mechanism shall be seized by the law enforcement officer at the time of the violation. This Section does not authorize the permanent forfeiture to the State of any radar or laser jamming device or mechanism. The device or mechanism shall be taken and held for the period when needed as evidence. When no longer needed for evidence, the defendant may petition the court for the return of the device or mechanism. The defendant, however, must prove to the court by a preponderance of the evidence that the device or mechanism will be used only for a legitimate and lawful purpose.

So you will also be out the cost of the jammer. Probable cause is never hard to come up with....so unless you could show a pattern of the officer pulling over jammer equipped vehicles, which I doubt very much given the cost and rarity of these devices, you will in fact be out a lot more than $50.


Interesting device all the same.



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