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Remote Dual Heat-Troller


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Just swapped out my clunky Gerbings dual controller for this neat little device that is plug compatible with most brands of heated gear including my Gerbings jacket.


This device separates the heat controller from the jacket without having to hardwire a controller into the bike. I mounted the controller under the shelf holding my radar detector, using a bit of velcro. The controller is a tiny battery powered transmitter that tells the receiver in the jacket how much current to run. The controller should be waterporof- the electronics are potted inside a decent case. The receiver on the jacket is also very small so there is a reduction in junk in pockets or clipped on, also.


See wwww.warmnsafe.com and look in the Gen 4 section to see the item and specs.






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The remote controller is such a slick little device I'm tempted to see how their Gen 4 jacket works compared to my Gerbings which is plenty warm but not so good from a construction and material viewpoint.


I second all the comments in your writeup. Which Warm N Safe jacket do you have and what do you think of it compared to a Gerbings?

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I just did a full winter gear test for MCN, to be published a month or two from now. I am following up with a review of the remote. Interesting so far. I'm curious why you think the Gerbing's is not so good from construction / materials viewpoint.



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I'm curious why you think the Gerbing's is not so good from construction / materials viewpoint.


slightly off topic: there's nothing wrong with my Gerbing's controller, but the construction/materials of my jacket were a disappointment for me:



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That's interesting. My own Gerbing's is now about 11 years old, still holding up OK.


I cannot divulge anything from my test before publication, but suffice it to say the Gerbing's build quality was on the high side relative to everything else.


Kevin, your test was very interesting and I read it in preparation for my own testing. Thanks for sharing that with us when it was originally posted.



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