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Anyone own a Valentine V1?


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An advanced search w/Valentine 1, 2 years to 1 month, produced over 200 returns.

Lots of opine to find.

Best wishes.

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I have a shelf on the dash of my '05 RT. I bought some heavy duty velcro and put it on the shelf right in front of me. No problems with it falling off. No rain protection, but then again I don't really need a radar detector when it rains.

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I use the Co-Pilot shelf from BMR Products, with an accessory arm and Valentine security cover.


The shelf is very stable and the accessory arm/cover is mounted with security torx screws, although I'm sure someone could tear it off if they really wanted to, and the remote display and audio adapter are velcroed underneath.


Radar detectors are illegal in Virginia, so I keep a small black nylon bag over it for concealment and a plastic shower cap for the rain. So far it hasn't been a problem, but if I ever get pulled over I might have to explain what's in the bag.



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My friend has one mounted beneath his rearview mirror. Works great. Does what they say it does, but...


He just had his license suspended 2 days ago for his 3rd speeder in NY within 18 months. Point and shoot radar, laser, and other methods are way ahead of the detectors IMO.

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Radar detectors are illegal in Virginia




good news in the RIchmond paper this morning - a bill is up in the State House to repeal the detector ban. Though I wouldn't bet the farm that it passes, it's some progress. LE spent the week testifying against it.

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An advanced search w/Valentine 1, 2 years to 1 month, produced over 200 returns.

Lots of opine to find.

Best wishes.


Of course, I tried that first but a search for "Valentine V1" netted zero results. Still learning. Did you do a body and subject or body only? Let me go try 2 years and drop the V.



..... :thumbsup: Allright. I guess that was the trick. No "", drop the V and add a year.



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Larry, I thought you just bought a different brand????


Get a ticket? :wave:


Not me baby! :Cool:


I decided to get the V1 because it integrates with that other thing I recently bought. You know...that thing.


I LOVE that Whistler and gave it to my wife, who, I am quite certain, will get another speeding ticket soon. She wasn't really paying attention when I tried to teach her how to interpret the lights and sounds... :D



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An advanced search w/Valentine 1, 2 years to 1 month, produced over 200 returns.

Lots of opine to find.

Best wishes.


Of course, I tried that first but a search for "Valentine V1" netted zero results. Still learning. Did you do a body and subject or body only? Let me go try 2 years and drop the V.

You might also take a look at the Advanced Search Tips on the Advanced Search page.

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An advanced search w/Valentine 1, 2 years to 1 month, produced over 200 returns.

Lots of opine to find.

Best wishes.


Of course, I tried that first but a search for "Valentine V1" netted zero results. Still learning. Did you do a body and subject or body only? Let me go try 2 years and drop the V.

You might also take a look at the Advanced Search Tips on the Advanced Search page.



All right, all right. I get the hint. :dopeslap:

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Not a big deal, but your results will be much better with an understanding of what the search engine needs.


On my 1100 & 1200 RTs, I've used superstrength velcro on an RCU shelf for my V1 and never had a problem .



I'm currently changing my mounting system to a combination Wunderlich GPS mount (only using the reinforcement bracket which isn't shown on their product illustrations), a Migsel mount, and RAM mount accessories. Don't know yet how it will turn out.



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Wasn't chopping your busts, really.



The advanced search allows you to change the date fields and then put in a very limited search word.


But, I've had times when I got zilch for results too.


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