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Just purchased a new SHOEI MULTITEC helmet. I got home and was admiring my new helmet when I looked inside under the padding to find a sticker “Manufacture Date 07/08”. So did I buy a new helmet or a helmet at new price that is 18 months old? Everything will suffer the effects of age, even sitting in a box on the shelf. I take this to be an example of the economic times we are experiencing. I wonder how much stock on shelfs today has been there a while. You can justify putting of purchasing a replacement helmet a lot easier that not paying the mortgage. Just a thought, it’s still new to me and it fits well.

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Just purchased a new SHOEI MULTITEC helmet. I got home and was admiring my new helmet when I looked inside under the padding to find a sticker “Manufacture Date 07/08”. So did I buy a new helmet or a helmet at new price that is 18 months old? Everything will suffer the effects of age, even sitting in a box on the shelf. I take this to be an example of the economic times we are experiencing. I wonder how much stock on shelfs today has been there a while. You can justify putting of purchasing a replacement helmet a lot easier that not paying the mortgage. Just a thought, it’s still new to me and it fits well.


If it says Manufacture Date, then I'll bet it is. I think my Shoei helmet said replace after 5 years of use or 7 years from the date of manufacture. If that's the case, you're fine, because 5 years of use will still be less than the 7 years.

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Wish someone would buy my *relatively* new Shoei TZR so I can go Stealth.... with a new matte black one.


I've sold 3 year old Shoei's on eBay for about 50-60% of list. As long as they're not dinged up and you've not left a nasty odor in it, it's a start to a new helmet.

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Wish someone would buy my *relatively* new Shoei TZR so I can go Stealth.... with a new matte black one.


I've sold 3 year old Shoei's on eBay for about 50-60% of list. As long as they're not dinged up and you've not left a nasty odor in it, it's a start to a new helmet.


Good suggestion. I'll have to take a second look at the multi techs. Not sure how/why I would that feature...


Have a drink at pit stop without taking helmet off??


Smoke break? (Don't smoke...anymore)

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I like my Shoe Multitech a lot. It is much easier to put on with the front flipped up than any full coverage helmet I have squeezed into. Other than taking it on and off, about the only other time I flip the front up is when getting gas and I want to talk to someone and be heard. Oh, and occasionally to get a gloved hand to a drippy nose!



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