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KonTour Seats


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Anyone have experience with KonTour aftermarket seats? How were they to deal with, how good was their seat(s), and would you buy them again compared to the usual aftermarket seat vendors.



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A couple of years ago I did order a front seat from Kontour for my R1200RT which was on order at the time. I had a low seat redone. My low suspension RT never made it so I ended up with regular height suspension, consequently the seat was too high. At that time Kontour used a different top material, more like a porous cloth. I chose Kontour since their process seemed a bit more scientific than others.

My seat was assembled and finished in an unsatisfactory fashion with all the outside staples very visible. After complaining I was offered a partial refund. I had asked to have the seat modified instead to get it lower but was told that I would have to pay full price again because of the very involved process. I modified (lowered) the seat myself, removed all the unsightly staples and made the seat useable for me. I settled for the partial refund. The seat comfort level is better than the original seat for sure. I used it on a couple of longer trips and was satisfied with it. They also added a V cut in a strategic spot on the seat for my chronic tail bone issues. That helped quite a bit. The RT was since sold and I now ride a GS for which I am also looking for a better seat. I think my experience was unfortunate, the owner was absent when it was assembled and shipped. The seat should have never passed their quality control as they also admitted and apologized for. The settlement was fair and I would deal with them again giving them a second chance. The new top material seems even better suited to warmer climates.

I hope this helps in your decision making process.

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I also had a rotten experience with Kon Tour. extremely uncomfortable, belligerent customer service from the owner, who stated they NEVER rework seats, cause they are fine right from the beginning. He finally agreed to fix the seat, grudgingly admited they got a bad batch of base foam that was too soft, and fixed the seat to HIS specs, and sent it back. It was still uncomfortable, and I sold it to someone for 50$, and got a Russell seat.


I loved the mesh covering on the seat, but the rest was a true PITA. I would not buy from them ever again.

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Buy a cheap sheepskin from Ikea.


I rather like the Corbin leather - you'd be surprised how important breathing is to butt comfort. The Corbin leather is about as unnatural as the stuff they put on car seat - but it breathes, doesn't soak too badly in rain (use silicone spray, not leather conditioner), and has a surface finish that works well on a bike (not too slippery not too frictional). As well as sponge filling that feels right to me.

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  • 2 months later...
Curve Hunter

Short form: I ordered one for my GS in 2004. It came. It didn't work. Told the owner I wouldn't ride 50 miles on it. He double checked the specs then heavied up on the materials (I weigh 200-210 pounds) and rebuilt it for me. I still have the GS and I still use the seat for longer hauls. Sorry to hear that some folks aren't satisfied. Lots of good products go down the tubes because the customer service is lousy or Mr. Biz Owner becomes arrogant, dumb or lazy. Reminds me of another seat maker...but that's another story.

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