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Any suggestions on how I can get maps in my Etrex Vista HCX. I also have a Zumo 550, but City Nav 2009 will only unlock to one GPS. I hate to buy another program. My 2610 w/V5 would unlock to 2 units. Thanks,

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Send Garmin an e-mail, with the Model # and Serial # of the two units you own. In the past they have given me unlock codes for 2-units with no extra charge.


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I called them yesterday and was told all software after a certain version are only good for one unlock code.



Send Garmin an e-mail, with the Model # and Serial # of the two units you own. In the past they have given me unlock codes for 2-units with no extra charge.


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I called them yesterday and was told all software after a certain version are only good for one unlock code.

Yes, they have changed the policy. Times are tough all over...

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Nuts - I was hoping for a golden nugget that would allow me to buy just one software upgrade to serve my Streetpilot 2720, 2730 and Zumo 550 - all now outdated. Since I only use one at a time, I can't (won't) justify expense of 3 software upgrades. Unless I'm uploading someones route prepared on a newer version, I'm clueless on updates pertaining to my intended route. Perhaps ignorance is bliss....

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Effjay, even with the latest mapping I still find a lot of errors in roads & road surface types.. SO,, just having the latest mapping still might leave you clueless on your intended route..


What I do on ANY route that I want to verify as to road surface type,, or roads actually crossing rivers or freeways (such as paved vs gravel,, etc) is transport my MapSource prepared route into “Google Earth” then “fly” (pre run) the route at tree level & actually view the road surface & road continuation..


In a lot of cases I don’t pre-run the route as I will just address any issues as I get to them but on routes or trips that I lead a group I usually verify the route in Google Earth to preclude any issues with managing a group..


I find the “Google Earth” pre run even more helpful when preparing a dirt route for dual sport rides as I do a find a lot of dirt roads shown (even in the latest MapSource) that have been paved but not updated on the MapSource mapping..






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I did that same thing for the dual sport Continental Divide Ride routes I had from Mexico to Canada. That helped be understand some portions of the route where detours were necessary and at least have some idea of what to expect. Still, one section I was able to "fly" on google earth disappeared on my GPS when I reached that section of the route. Had to rely on the compass and general sense of direction to grope my way. But, G E is a great resource.

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Well, for the heck of it, I tried loading my maps from an old desktop computer I have (older version of Mapsource), and it worked. Problem solved. Thanks for the help,

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