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MapSource - Good Version?


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I'm running version 6.13.6 of Garmin MapSource. A while back there were cautions about upgrading because of problems with early versions of 6.14 so I stayed with 6.13.6.


I see that current version of MapSource is now 6.15.11. Can anyone confirm that this appears to be a trouble-free version? Are there any particularly good enhancements since 6.13.6 that will make it nice to have?

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Michael, there were a few post 6.13.7 versions that were trouble prone but the 6.15.7 I am currently running is virtually trouble free.. It is a “resource hog” though so if you have an older or slower computer you might stay with what you have & are happy with..


The way to view newer MapSource versions is to view what is actually changed in the update,, if there is nothing in the update that you will use or need why change the version just to change & risk problems.. The good news is if you do update you can always dump it & go back & re-install your older version (I have had to do that on a couple of the problem versions)..


One reason I am still on the 6.15.7 version is it has been trouble free & their is NOTHING in the latest version that I need or want as the changes are small & don’t add anything I would use..





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