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New spot allows texting


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Spot has teamed up with Delorme for a new GPS with Spot Messenger and texting capabilities.




Lots of other info out there about this. Looks like the price is $549

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Too pricey. You can get a nice GPS and the basic Spot for less than that.



1) I think the big deal is the communication, not the GPS


2) the price won't stay that high



Go SPOT go.



I do wonder about DeLorme though- WTF? Garmin doesn't want the competition or something? I see the GPS functionality as secondary, although having SPOT built into a ruggedized Zumo the size of an iphone would be awesome.


Hell, let it make calls and surf the web, too.


And fetch me my jetpack

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I'm waiting for Spot to just license their technology to Garmin so you have a GPS and Tracker in one.


I have my Spot mounted about 6 inches from my Garmin. The only problem I have is not getting a Spot signal uplinked due to tree coverage.

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  • 4 months later...

Well, it seems that this product is about ready to launch in July at an MSRP of $699.


This really looks interesting, pricey, but the capability of typing and sending messages from just about anywhere...well some would say: priceless.


I just purchased the new Spot messenger a few weeks ago, it works as described but I'm now tempted by the new Delorme/Spot combo.


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I'm really pissed at Spot right now...


Upgraded to Spot Messenger and applied for the $25 rebate... After two months I sent an inquiry asking where the money was... they replied that it would take up to 16 freaking weeks... be patient.


They laid it off on the fulfillment company. My Ass...


If it take 4 Months to cut a check... how long to cash my check for a new one... about a microsecond...


I don't respect companies who don't respect their customers.


so there....

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