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I have not, but I have considered getting one myself. The sun here is as bad if not worse than down in FL where your at, and that looks like a great solution to the fried retinas one gets driving during certian times of day. I have an MX style helmet that I wear at times and the visor on it helps alot, enough actualy that I am looking to get one of the dualsport type helmets when I can afford a new one...

Do let me know how you like it if you pick one up, right now I am on a spending freeze.

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I would think a visor like that would catch the wind when you turn your head to the side. It also looks like it uses a permanent adhesive which only allows one attempt for the perfect positioning on your helmet.


If you go to a well stocked photography store or film production supply house, you can find a 2" wide 25 yard long roll of black gaffers tape for about $18.




Gaffers tape is a cloth tape designed to remove cleanly from any surface. The adhesive is very strong but still allows the tape to be easily removed.


You can apply this tape right to the outside of your face shield as many times as you like until you find the right position to make the perfect sun shade.

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I kinda like the visor idea. The film strip and other dark colored strips just don't seem to do as good a job as the visor.


I do agree you might catch some wind with head turns and not sure what might happen to your neck if some wind catches your visor underneath but, I've been looking for something like this.


I wonder if you can raise the face shield completely with the visor on it?


Good Find Matt!

















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i really like the dark strip i applied...

when the sun is low in sky in the fall (sept - nov) up here in the north it is a lifesaver.

what i like the best is the price - i got some window tint left over scrap - a pretty big piece for 1.50$ - basically costs me 10 cents to put a strip on my visor ! it is applied with water - so can be removed, reapplied, positionally adjusted etc.


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I have had 2 of them Matt. The first one broke when my helmet blew off the seat, so I ordered another. They are very functional and useful, though are slightly clunky jutting out up there and do require that permanent clips be glued onto the helmet. I never noticed any extra noise or wind issues, except when I raised my helmet visor while riding. Once when I did that the whole visor/SuperVisor assembly of my Symax blew right off the helmet and I had to turn around to go pick it up off the road.


The opaque black SuperVisor is better than a tinted strip when you are driving straight into the sun since it completely blocks the light. You can raise or lower your head a bit to accomodate to where the sun is.


Now I have a Symax 2 helmet with the built-in visor. It works well enough, though I had to darken the tint on its built-in visor to make it work satisfactorily. Sometimes I still miss the SuperVisor when the sun is straight ahead.



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Tape has worked ok for me, but I was curious about the visor.


One suggestion is NOT to used duct tape. It's great if it's all you have but it ain't pretty



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Putting a visor on my Nolan 100E was one good thing I did for myself. Sunglasses and dark strips on the shield inside were OK but not great. I just used an old three snap visor that I had and modified it to fit the Nolan and used clothespins and silicon cement to glue it on the outside of the shield. All parts work as usual and I don't get near as many headaches! The visor is shorter than the Super Visor advertized and since I had a good sander I just worked with it until I liked it. One note, make the visor completely black, no see through! 3 years now and still OK.

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Tape has worked ok for me...


Yes, I have used black electrical tape with good results. On the Symax 2 built-in visor, I left the bottom as-is, applied darker tint above that, then a strip of black tape at the top for blocking the direct sun. So I guess the end result is a tri-tint that I am quite happy with. However, the position and geometry of the SuperVisor is still superior in terms of the shadow it casts across my visual field. It requires less change in head elevation to increase the size of the shadow compared to opaque tape that is right in front of your forehead.


The SuperVisor is a pretty cheap gamble. If you don't like it, you're only out a few dollars.



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anyone ever tried one of these?


Noisy, screws up the aerodynamics of the helmet.


Best solution I found was to get "limo" type window tinting from your local auto parts store - size, shape, etc. to taste, adhere to the "inside" of your visor.


Does great job of blocking blinding low angle sun, yet can still see through it so that range of vision is not reduced.


For those times when you need complete coverage, you can then stick electrical tape to the outside upper part of visor. I carry a roll of good quality e-tape w/ me on long tours. Doesn't leave residue when peeled off.





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I have one of these visors on both of the helmets I use regularly. After buying one and trying it I ordered another one because I really liked the sun blocking quality of the visor. I do a lot of driving east in the morning and west in the afternoon so it seems I'm always going into the sun. The visor helps a lot. I don't notice any additional noise from the airflow over it and I can also ride with my face shield all the way up with the visor attached to it and not have any problems.


Before I purchased the Supervisor I used black electrical tape across the top of the face shield. I like the Supervisor better, although the tape did a good job too.

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I really liked the sun blocking quality of the visor. I do a lot of driving east in the morning and west in the afternoon so it seems I'm always going into the sun.


Best advice I ever got "Never live west of where you work..."

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Electrical tape doesn't stop the glare. And for those tinted liners, they don't stop the glare--they only dim your already bad vision. The late afternoon sun hits the face shield *below* that tape strip and creates a fiber-optic effect of hazy glare throughout the entire face shield. And that glare causes your pupils to contract, dimming your vision. Try this: next time riding into the sun (or standing in your front yard facing west) with your tape in place blocking the sun, hold your left hand acting as a visor across the top of your shield so that the sun doesn't hit the shield at all and suddenly your vision will improve 100%. What you need is a visor that sticks STRAIGHT OUT (not slanted) and I found one that does.


I first drilled out the 3 snaps on the visor and then lined the top lip with velcro and put a strip of velcro across the top edge of my face shield. Yes--it looks dorky. But does it work! Try the hand-visor test as above and you'll understand!


(if you try this, be sure to only get the visor listed above. the secret is that it is "flat"--not slanted downward like 99% of the others available.)

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I've had one for some time and like it. I've not had a problem with wind or noise. But I have had a problem getting it to stay on. Not a problem when riding, but I leave my bike out in a parking lot with the helmet in the top case. Even with a cover, it can get pretty hot. There are summer days here that can reach into the 100's and high 90's are pretty usual. The helmet just fits in the topcase and sometimes the visor gets squeezed. With the high temps, the glue sometimes doesn't stick. After it came off the first time, I tried dual stick velcro and the like. In those temp's nothing seems to work for very long. But I like having the visor on; it really works nicely going into the sun, so I keep trying to get the thing to stick on.


So, at the risk of causing a hijack, does anyone have any thoughts on how to make it stick?


[edit] 1 last thought; for those of you who like the tape method, try blue painters tape. I've used that and it works as well as tape does. Easy to remove with no sticky residue. [/edit]

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Electrical tape doesn't stop the glare. And for those tinted liners, they don't stop the glare--they only dim your already bad vision. The late afternoon sun hits the face shield *below* that tape strip and creates a fiber-optic effect of hazy glare throughout the entire face shield. And that glare causes your pupils to contract, dimming your vision. ....


I've been using painters tape (easily removable w/no marks) on all my helmets for 12 years and don't seem to have this problem. Even though the tape appears opaque, I need a double layer to truly block out the sun. I find it works perfectly in >90% of the situations.



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Electrical tape doesn't stop the glare. And for those tinted liners, they don't stop the glare--they only dim your already bad vision. The late afternoon sun hits the face shield *below* that tape strip and creates a fiber-optic effect of hazy glare throughout the entire face shield. And that glare causes your pupils to contract, dimming your vision. ....


I've been using painters tape (easily removable w/no marks) on all my helmets for 12 years and don't seem to have this problem. Even though the tape appears opaque, I need a double layer to truly block out the sun. I find it works perfectly in >90% of the situations.



Vinny, I agree with you, I use elec. tape all the time to block sun when its not real down low or I'm not riding into it for an extended period. It does "block" the sun wherever its pasted. But what you may not notice is that "fiber optic effect" as I call it. Next time riding with your tape in place, enjoying it's benefits, hold your hand above the shield like a visor and you'll see that the shield was still "glowing" below the tape level, causing your pupils to contract. You should see immediate vision improvement when doing this. That was my point. Shading ALL direct sun off the bottom portion of the visor--not just blocking from hitting your eyes.

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At last, here's something I know about.


First, those above who have tried this kind of peak seem more uniform in their praise than any other bike gizmo I can think of.


I've been using a dirt bike peak like here but 3 inches long (no longer made) for maybe a dozen years. It has 6 backward facing wind-relief slots and puts zero wind force on my aged neck while impervious to light.


If you think about the geometry, there's no other good solution. You tip your nose down a bit and you can precisely cut the sun 100% while cutting forward vision minimally. Right down to the horizon, no kidding. Think about it. Of course no loss of vision at night. No wind noise I can hear.


Tape or tinting have big drawbacks for me - including not helping much.

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Mine came in today. I began the install and broke one of the hooks on the lifting things. :mad: Going to try and super glue it, if it doesn't hold, going to order another set.


Fact is, if anyone does by this kit, I would strongly suggest you buy an extra set of lifting piece.



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Electrical tape doesn't stop the glare. And for those tinted liners, they don't stop the glare--they only dim your already bad vision. The late afternoon sun hits the face shield *below* that tape strip and creates a fiber-optic effect of hazy glare throughout the entire face shield. And that glare causes your pupils to contract, dimming your vision. ....


I've been using painters tape (easily removable w/no marks) on all my helmets for 12 years and don't seem to have this problem. Even though the tape appears opaque, I need a double layer to truly block out the sun. I find it works perfectly in >90% of the situations.



Vinny, I agree with you, I use elec. tape all the time to block sun when its not real down low or I'm not riding into it for an extended period. It does "block" the sun wherever its pasted. But what you may not notice is that "fiber optic effect" as I call it. Next time riding with your tape in place, enjoying it's benefits, hold your hand above the shield like a visor and you'll see that the shield was still "glowing" below the tape level, causing your pupils to contract. You should see immediate vision improvement when doing this. That was my point. Shading ALL direct sun off the bottom portion of the visor--not just blocking from hitting your eyes.


I can see your point. If we ever see the sun again here, I will give this a try.

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OK. Finally got some decent weather and did about 120 miles yesterday almost ALL interstate.


All I can say is that the visor worked perfectly. I know that, with the sun high and in front of me, I subconsciously squint a bit which, in a prolonged ride, can give me a headache.


This visor puts the shade where it counts. The vent at the top of the visor allows wind to pass through so there I did not notice any more buffeting as a result of having the visor on.


I have it on the highest setting. No issues with field of vision.


Yes, it looks goofy. Looks like I'm wearing a moto cross helmet but I don't care. It's very functional.


I give it a 3 thumbs up.


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Peter Parts

Sure. Works good.


The longer (and maybe nicer looking) peak I mentioned earlier is the Ventor Visor. The original manufacturer is kaput some stock still around the web.


Here's something interesting to think about. The Ventor Visor is long and kind of like a duck's bill sticking out. When I turn my head to look like when planning a lane change, I think it is giving a very clear signal to driver's of what's on my mind - unlike the weak and ill-placed turn signals on bikes... and head-turn often takes place far ahead of the signaling (which you might not start till you've checked the side lane a few times, right?). So a big duck-bill has an important safety/communication function.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am diggin' this visor. Thanks to Matts Vstrom for the find. Can't believe how much more comfortable it is to ride without squinting.


Couple of pics.


You can see how the vent minimizes air catch.



There are three height settings. This is the medium setting.




Doesn't look to geeky!



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Nice n Easy Rider

I broke down and ordered one on Friday. Got tired of going to work holding the left hand up trying to shade the sun in order to tell whether the light was still green or whether the guy in front of me was still moving. I figured I could stretch my luck only so far.

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I broke down and ordered one on Friday. Got tired of going to work holding the left hand up trying to shade the sun in order to tell whether the light was still green or whether the guy in front of me was still moving. I figured I could stretch my luck only so far.


Do yourself a favor, before he ships, order another set of retaining tabs for 2 reasons. 1) in case you break one or two installing, 2) In case you buy a new shield or helmet.


Save on shipping. Send him a n email. He's a good guy.

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Nice n Easy Rider
I broke down and ordered one on Friday. Got tired of going to work holding the left hand up trying to shade the sun in order to tell whether the light was still green or whether the guy in front of me was still moving. I figured I could stretch my luck only so far.


Do yourself a favor, before he ships, order another set of retaining tabs for 2 reasons. 1) in case you break one or two installing, 2) In case you buy a new shield or helmet.


Save on shipping. Send him a n email. He's a good guy.

FLrider, I had already ordered the extras. Saw your earlier post. Thanks for the heads up.

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Surely I'm not the only one who uses the 'static' adhesion tinted film available from Canadian Tire here in Canada, or Pep Boys etc. in the US...cut into a 1" strip and applied to the top portion of the helmet shield?


I make 5 out of one piece...cost 1.25 each. No wind noise or helmet deflection due to crosswinds or windshield buffeting...weighs nothing, no spare 'clips' req'd. Although I due use small pieces of scotch tape at each end, for extra security :-).


Just the ole 'KISS' system... working for me!



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Peter Parts

KISS for sure as well as wind noise and cost.


But there is just no comparison in effectiveness between a long peak and a piece of stuff on the visor.

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Nice n Easy Rider

+1. I have the 1-inch tinted band across the top of the visor but it just isn't enough when headed into the early-morning or late-day sun. Definitely need something that projects out to shade the lower portion of the visor.

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Surely I'm not the only one who uses the 'static' adhesion tinted film available from Canadian Tire here in Canada, or Pep Boys etc. in the US...cut into a 1" strip and applied to the top portion of the helmet shield?


I make 5 out of one piece...cost 1.25 each. No wind noise or helmet deflection due to crosswinds or windshield buffeting...weighs nothing, no spare 'clips' req'd. Although I due use small pieces of scotch tape at each end, for extra security :-).


Just the ole 'KISS' system... working for me!





However, long miles of rain and high speeds tend to remove the static cling.

Having it try to wrap around my eyeballs was fun.



I'm looking at the Scorpion 900 EXO w/sunshield and airpump to custom fit pads to one's skull.

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I'm looking at the Scorpion 900 EXO w/sunshield and airpump to custom fit pads to one's skull.


That's actually a very cool helmet. From the Scorpion website flash, I gather you can't have both the full face enclosure AND the helmet visor/sun shield at the same time?


The Air Pump is an awesome idea. Reminds me of the sci fi movies where the droid releases the air hose supply to his helmet. Lets out a hissing sound as the air vacates the helmet.



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Not understanding your question ... I have the Scorpion 900 and love it. Internal sun shield on helmet comes down/works great with helmet in 3/4 or full face.


Air pump works incredible as well



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Not understanding your question ... I have the Scorpion 900 and love it. Internal sun shield on helmet comes down/works great with helmet in 3/4 or full face.


Air pump works incredible as well



Sorry. So, if I have the helmet in full face mode, can the visor be employed at the same time?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Nice n Easy Rider
anyone ever tried one of these?

I installed my SuperVisor yesterday and the installation went well. Even though I had ordered an extra lifter set in case I broke one (of 4) during the installation I didn't need them. So far I like it although it will take a little getting use to having the sky blocked out to some degree.


If anyone is interested in ordering one and you have an Arai helmet and shield beware: the SuperVisor can only be set so high on the shield because of the vents on the Arai faceshields. I think it will work out OK for me because I tend to keep the shield up about an inch for ventilation purposes but it might be too low if you keep your shield closed. But it is relatively inexpensive if you're willing to order one and they might even let you return it if you determine before mounting it that it will be too low.

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I have one of these visors on both of the helmets I use regularly. After buying one and trying it I ordered another one because I really liked the sun blocking quality of the visor. I do a lot of driving east in the morning and west in the afternoon so it seems I'm always going into the sun. The visor helps a lot. I don't notice any additional noise from the airflow over it and I can also ride with my face shield all the way up with the visor attached to it and not have any problems.


Before I purchased the Supervisor I used black electrical tape across the top of the face shield. I like the Supervisor better, although the tape did a good job too.


I have the same commuting problem -- East in the morning and West in the evening. The supervisor works better than tape in these situations.


However, it is a bit fiddly. One problem is that the adhesive eventually comes undone. A second problem is that it is easy to accidentally break it off if you store your helmet somewhere.


Despite the issues, it is definitely a product that does what it claims, at a reasonable price.

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Nice n Easy Rider
I have the same commuting problem -- East in the morning and West in the evening. The supervisor works better than tape in these situations.


However, it is a bit fiddly. One problem is that the adhesive eventually comes undone. A second problem is that it is easy to accidentally break it off if you store your helmet somewhere.


Despite the issues, it is definitely a product that does what it claims, at a reasonable price.


What did you use to replace the adhesive that came undone? And did it work?

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I have the same commuting problem -- East in the morning and West in the evening. The supervisor works better than tape in these situations.


However, it is a bit fiddly. One problem is that the adhesive eventually comes undone. A second problem is that it is easy to accidentally break it off if you store your helmet somewhere.


Despite the issues, it is definitely a product that does what it claims, at a reasonable price.


What did you use to replace the adhesive that came undone? And did it work?


I used their tape kit, which only costs $1.50.


I eventually broke the supervisor, and got a new helmet, so I am not currently using one.

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