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Techie type question...


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I thought a new thread might be in order, having discovered my new Blackberry Bold 9700 'locks up', ( can't receive incoming calls ) every time I pair it with the Autocom dongle, requiring a 'battery pull' on the BB to reset it, I am wondering if anyone out there is using a BB with their autocom bluetooth dongle successfully, and how did you do it????



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Like the others, I bluetooth to my zumo and not to the autocom and let the autocom hard wires run to the zumo mount.


I think you need to update your dongle for the new phone.

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I was doing it successfully to the Autocom dongle, but when I upgraded to a Zumo 660 with Bluetooth I switched to coupling the phone to it (to get the on Zumo screen phone navigation) and quit pairing to the dongle.


There are more than a couple of iterations of Bluetooth and the standard is less than ideal.


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A lot of times the lock up can occur as a result of a pairing order.


For example, there are some times that I turn on my bike with its Zumo 550, Autocomm Dongle and iPhone and it won't pair the phone properly. This occurs if the Zumo pairs to the phone before pairing to the dongle. I have to turn off the Zumo and let it reboot for it to catch properly. On my set up it occurs when I start the bike as it turns off the power to the system briefly which causes the ordering to get fouled up. If I let it go, I can hear but can not talk on the phone.


Not sure if this is similar to your situation at all but try having your bike running and your system off. Then, turn your system on and see if it will come up that way.


Just a thought and not sure if it is relevant to your circumstance.

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Thanks guys, I'm wondering if there is a software/firmware update for the autocom dongle. I could pair it with my laptop to complete the update if there is one available.


With no Canadian distributor and Top Gear no longer supporting sales I wonder who would know?


Anyone out there done an update on the dongle?


The phone pairs automatically with my Nuvi in the truck as soon as I turn it on...and shows 'hands free enabled' on the phone. Works as you would expect. Not so the autocom. Too bad.



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OK everyone, heads up!!


Just got off the phone with Autocom in the UK and all previous versions of the Autocom dongle are NOT compatible with any Blackberry device.


You may find a way around this as it seems some folks have...by pairing the autocom with a compatible device FIRST, such as your GPS, then pairing your Blackberry with the GPS.


In my case this would mean purchasing a new GPS, always a tempting idea, however my Garmin 376c with the XM Radio antenna, is still working fine...so the solution given by the 'new' Autocom company is to sell me a 'new' Autocom dongle, one capable of working with the Blackberry devices, for the princely sum of 65.00 BP plus shipping. Should work out to about $115.00 US or 120.00 CAN. Seems like a lot of money for a bluetooth adapter but 'Autocom' have had me by the 'short and curly' for years now...what with the 'in line' noise cancellers, 'in line' earplug adapters, bluetooth adapters, and one other 'adapter' that I can't even remember what it does...Must have close to a grand into the old 'Active 7' system by now!!


I ordered the part, should be here late next week, and I'll report back on the function once I get it installed.


Lets hope it works :-)



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Paul In Australia

Hi Jim

Now you are part of the Great "consumer upgrade" that is part of most companies marketing strategy. It is what makes the world go round. Have fun with the BB. I have a starcom digital with all attachments also because of work. Wish sometimes I could just turn the whole lot off.

best regards


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"Turn the whole thing off"


Now your talking, so to speak :-). How I wish for the days when I could just pull on my leather jacket, helmet and gloves, tickle the carbs, kick the starter, and ride off...how did we come to this configuration we have today. ATGATT, ear plugs, wires running from the helmet, GPS, cell phone, waiting for the E-PROM self test to complete, ABS lite to go out, moto lites on, etc, etc., too funny.


We used to let our kids walk to school too...



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In some ways I agree. I remember how amazed I was at the first bike I had that had "electric start". Wow.. didn't have to kick start it. Most of the time I used the kick start anyway cause I thought the electric start was just for sissies...


Now I look at all the electric crap that's on the bike now and I have to shake my head...

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