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Higher Mount For Nav. 2 For R1150RT???


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Looking for a good, higher (more line of sight) mount for BMW R1150RT.

It would be nice to use the NAV II mount, but I need something (shelf or other type of mount to attach that puppy) that I can glance at without taking my eyes off the road.


Any suggestions????


Once again thanks for your help.



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Here's a related thread from a couple of years ago: Garmin 2620 mounts for the 1150RT You can do a search for other threads as well.


It is really personal preference & depends on tank bag, other things you have mounted on the handlebars, how much you like/dislike having any instruments blocked. However, in general shelves don't mount very securely on an 1150RT and you will find anything heavier then a radar detector and sat radio antenna unstable.


Mike Cassidy

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