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The Circle of Accessory Spending


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A month or so ago I bought a Radar Detector because it was such a good deal (and I'd been thinking about one anyway). After it arrived, I realized I would need a different power cord for the bike so I ordered a power cord. . Thinking, "what a great gizmo this radar thingy is", I decided protecting my investment was a good idea so I ordered a cover. At this point I figured, "this is such a great setup and it's so protected and good looking, I need a decent mount for all this". So I ordered a mount.. I've yet to get an audio cable to connect to the Autocom so there's always a possibility I could continue linking more items here. Following this progression, I expect that once the installation is complete, I will be promptly pulled over and ticketed for speeding. Thus completing the circle of accessory spending we all know and love. :dopeslap: Party on Wayne. :grin:


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Danny caddyshack Noonan

Ahhhh the circle of life.


In the british car parlance WIIT (while I'm in there) or shipwrights disease. Start with a simple plug change, install a high performance cam.

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A month or so ago I bought a Radar Detector because it was such a good deal (and I'd been thinking about one anyway). After it arrived, I realized I would need a different power cord for the bike so I ordered a power cord. . Thinking, "what a great gizmo this radar thingy is", I decided protecting my investment was a good idea so I ordered a cover. At this point I figured, "this is such a great setup and it's so protected and good looking, I need a decent mount for all this". So I ordered a mount.. I've yet to get an audio cable to connect to the Autocom so there's always a possibility I could continue linking more items here. Following this progression, I expect that once the installation is complete, I will be promptly pulled over and ticketed for speeding. Thus completing the circle of accessory spending we all know and love. :dopeslap: Party on Wayne. :grin:

You've only scratched the surface. With the radar detector installed, you'll feel confident in probing the edges of the "overs" that your state patrol gives you. That means you need more power, so an exhaust system is in order. Once you find yourself running comfortably (and safely) at the upper limits of what they'll allow, you'll notice that your suspension isn't as good as it was at lower speeds, so now you need Ohlins. With the Ohlins, you'll be able to corner better, and the toes of your boots will snag on the asphalt, so you'll need sporty racer boots with titanium toe plates. Of course, those are no good with that pair of $48 riding pants you got from NewEnough.com, so you'll need some new gear. Sharp textiles or perhaps leather if you're so inclined (not asking).


That, of course, begets new gloves, made from the soft underbelly of kangaroos, no doubt. Now that you're suited, that plain, solid-color helmet looks like Rosie's head on Megan Fox's body, so you need some graffix, dude.


Back aboard your steed, you notice that your new gear and new confidence are pushing the limits of your old tires, so you need stickier rubber. Now you're really flying, but it's gotten scarier to go that fast at night, so it's an HID kit for the headlight and some driving/conspicuity lights for the rest of the world. After all, you're now ERUPTING into their field of vision, like the Millenium Falcon dropping out of hyperspace. Within a year of finally completing the cycle (pun intended), you'll find that road where a paid-off credit card and a slightly diminished joy in riding cross paths. Having explored and exploited just about ever vein in your farkle arm, you decide to sell the bike, get a new one and start all over again.



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That happened to me when I bought my Ipod Touch.


Computer was slow... so I bought more RAM to speed it up.

Wanted to backup songs on a DVD... so I bought a DVD burner.

HD filled up... so I bought an external HD.


Finally, gave up and bought a new computer for about $500. The "fixes" cost $250 :dopeslap:


Not even counting the accessories I "needed" for the Itouch :mad:

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Now that was just funny Eff. :grin:


Not as funny as you, my friend. You have a marvelously dry wit, and some of your posts have almost cost me a keyboard. "Divining Rod by Leatherman" was a classic. Thanks for your many contributions to the board. I always read your stuff.

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Fernando is pretty much on target, but he left out all the stuff you need to do before taking off on a long trip:


1. Hmmm, that tire has 237 miles on it, and I usually get 5,000 miles out of that brand, and the trip is going to be 2300 miles, but what if...I better get a new tire.


2. Hmmm, the battery is working fine, but it's three weeks old and I'll be a long way from anyplace that carries the special batteries I need, so...I better get a new battery.


3. Hmmm, I've been riding bikes for 79 years and never used a bike cover before, but what if...I better buy a bike cover.


4. I've taken this same trip 13 times on the same roads, but hmmm, what if something has changed...I better buy a gps.


5. Hmmm, I really love my RT, but someone told me there's a stretch about 400 feet of gravel...I better go buy a GS.


6. Hmmm, now that I have all these new farkles and additions, I don't have room for my tools....I better order a Bushtec trailer. I wonder if I should get an extra final drive for the trailer??


And so on....

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