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Q for Motoequip users


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Hi All-


I've got the Motoequip RK-15 kit for my R1200RT, which is the kit that applies to the rear of the system cases. Per the instructions, you can wet mount the stickers that apply to the flat (unpainted) inner cases, but must dry mount the stickers that apply to the outer (painted) outer cases.


I had no problem wet mounting, but I botched the dry mounting. Once I peeled off the stickers to try again, they deformed slightly so I scrapped that part of the project. But I'm wondering - can the stickers be wet mounted to the painted areas? Maybe they'll sell me just those stickers so I don't have to buy the whole kit again to experiment.


By the way, great product! I had them on my R1150RT and consider them to be dollar for dollar the best conspicuity out there.



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Moshe, as the owner of MotoEquip, let me help. You can indeed wet mount the reflective pieces that go on the painted saddlebag lids. The reason the instructions suggest that you dry mount them is that if done correctly, it does produce the best results (no offense intended).


The thing you want to avoid is trapping air under the vinyl. This can cause bubbles that are visible on the surface of the vinyl. The unpainted plastic used on BMW cases has a very slight pebble-grain finish. This allows any minute trapped air to disperse itself across a larger area, because the pathways in the pebble-grain finish serve to hide that trapped air over a larger area. The adhesive sticks to the high spots in the finish, but not down in its troughs (yes, we're talking about nearly microscopic troughs). So, either wet or dry mounting works.


On painted surfaces, where the finish is slick and smooth, there's no place for any trapped air to go, so precise installation is a must if trapping any air at all is to be avoided. Wet mounting can, if not squeegee'd properly, leave behind trace amounts of water. On a pebble-grain finish, this will drain and/or evaporate over time since air has access to the backside of the vinyl. On a painted finish, any trapped air or water will simply expand when heated by the sun (which also softens the vinyl) and create an even larger air bubble as the air expands or the water evaporates and expands.


I won't go into the installation specifics here, as these are detailed in the instructions in our kits. However, if someone wants, they can ask and I will. In the meantime, PM me your address and I'll send you a replacement set of outer lid pieces.


We have always taken care of our customers.

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