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New headlights $25k each


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I'm just back from a day of beautiful sunny 70 degree riding through the Columbia river gorge with my new headlights.


About five years ago my vision started to get progressivly more blurry. Last year it got to the point where it met the insurance companies criteria for cornea transplants. (pretty bad).


Well I know a lot of people out there are enjoying the springtime riding . Me I'm feeling a new lease on life.


I'm so grateful to the anonymous tissue donors that made this possible and I'm probably preaching to the choir here but please make sure you are setup as a donor.

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Paul In Australia

fantastic. Must be a great feeling.

I am afraid I am going to wind up in the same boat in years to come. My long sight is getting to be a PIA. The on again off again glasses issues is driving me nuts , especially on the bike.

have a great summer riding ( and seeing)



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I had one done 9 years ago, It was so cool to see clearly out of my left eye after so many years of blurry vision. It will be at least 10 more years but the right one will also eventually have to be done. Having the gift of sight because of someones donation is really cool. So to echo ratfink become a donor some day someone will get a priceless gift from it.

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