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Mice ate my autocom


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Awakening from the winter slumber, I pulled the cover off my 05 R12RT and peered in the tail section only to discover a nest of mice had settled in for the winter.


After cleaning the mess, I noticed that my Autocom power cord was chewed through in two places and that the month balls I tossed in to protect against mice were devoured by the very mice who mocked my clumsy efforts. I had no idea that mice eat month balls.


So, I have to splice these wires together to repair the damage. Any one know the wire gauge of the (red/black) twisted pair power wires? )....any suggestions for creating a durable splice?


And, oh yeah, how do you keep mice out?



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Several years ago I took my dirt bike out for a spin. I keep a record of maintenance so I knew it was ready. But somethng told me to check the air filter. Rats had gotten in to the air box, ate the filter and packed the air box and carb full of peach pits. If they had been able to nose up the carb slide they would have packed the 2 stroke engine full.

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And, oh yeah, how do you keep mice out?




That solution has worked well at least since the time of the ancient Egyptians.


I hadn't heard of mice nests in the tail section, but airboxes seem to be a common problem. I know a guy who bought a used BMW cruiser, one of those chrome-head bikes. He said it had little power, so the local dealer did some tests, found nothing, and then pulled off the air-filter cover and there it was -- a mouse nest that blocked the airflow. The previous owner must have storing it, and finally decided to sell it, not knowing that it had hosted a mouse family.

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And, oh yeah, how do you keep mice out?


Mouse traps. Simple and very effective. Buy a half dozen and bait with peanut butter. If you think you have one mouse, you probaby have three.


Sorry the hear about the damage. :cry:

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Couple of years ago I popped the seat off my '05 RT to set shock preload for 2-up. Discovered a mouse nest in the tail end--bastards ate thru the wires on the temperature probe. Hey, it wasn't accurate anyway.

Then....I had taken my Corolla into Jiffy Lube for service, and the mechanic called me out to show me how mice had nested into the air intake--so much material was stuffed in there that it sprung the clips holding the airbox together. "Cool: two stage air filtration".

Somebody suggesting using pieces of Irish Spring bath soap to ward off the rodents. Stinks enough where I wouldn't use it in the bath.

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And, oh yeah, how do you keep mice out?


Month balls will never do it. Use cat balls with the cat attached. Sticky traps work too. One gets stuck and the others come to see how the other is doing. They all get stuck.

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I use a zip-closed cycle cover when storing my bikes. They are heavy guage material that you drive the bike onto, put down some Damp-out or similar mositure control, hook up the battery tender and zip the shelter closed. My bikes are stored for up to six months, and never any problems, either in FL (high humidity) or SC (extreme weather in the mountains and high risk of mice).

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And, oh yeah, how do you keep mice out?


My method is to block off areas they like to hide stuff (exhaust pipes, air intakes) and remove stuff they like to nest under. My bikes spend the winter in the garage minus their seats, which are stored in the basement. Remove any potential burrow roof and the mice will move on. It's also vitally important that you make sure you don't store anything that can be a food source near the bike, or use a mouse-proof container. A few years ago my wife and I built a very nice storage shed and all the bird seed and other yummy stuff stays out there away from the bikes and the house.

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Decon Mouse proof.


You're on the right trail there. I feed the little Bast*rds, well sort of, I set out poison in all the storage buildings year round and I keep an eye on it to see if it's disturbed. If they're eating it, give em more. I also stuff dryer sheets in the airbox inlets based on rumors that mice don't like the smell. Don't know if that's true but so far so good.

This winter I had to replenish one box of poison early on but no takers since then.

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Great!....thanks for all the replies. I'll check out the taps...these look cleaner than soldering. Looks like I'll also invest in traps next year. Another rumor about moth balls bites the dust.


Thanks all...ride safe!

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Looks like I'll also invest in traps next year.


Don't wait til next year. Get them right now. They may not be nesting in your autocom anymore, but they are not far away. AND they are likely multiplying !


Poison might get them, but you never now. And they can die in your house which stinks for a month or so. Ask me how I know?

Plastic pincher type mouse traps work great and all you need is peanut butter.


The ideas of plugging holes, removing the seat and storing food at long distances are also great things to do.

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