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Blackberry/Autocom blues...


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Well another $174.00 worth of Autocom ( nee Starcom...) accessories and at least the BB Bold 9700 now 'pairs' with the Autocom Active 7 system.


But...no way can I figure out how to have it 'answer' when a call is coming in???. I hear the little 'ringy dingy's' in the earphones, but unless I select 'answer' on the phone, it finally goes to the message centre, thats all.


And the worst part, when I DO push answer on the phone...I can hear my patient wife going, "hello, hello, are you there, are you there, is anyone there?", over and over agin, while I'm hollering so loud she can hear me from the shop without even using the phone, but not over the phone.


So, 2 issues, some form of 'auto answer' and no 'outgoing voice'. I know the mic works, I can hear myself once the vox is open, no problem. Even tried the brand new mic Autocom ( Starcom ) sent me after I asked them not too, twice. And billed me for it...grrr. Whatever, I wouldn't care IF I could use the darn system.


The BB works perfectly in my truck after pairing ( automatically ) with my Garmin Nuvi 760. So I'm flummoxed as to whether it is the Autocom or the BB. I suspect the BB since my old Motorola flip phone worked perfectly for the previous 3 years, using the 'older' Autocom bluetooth dongle. The one that the BB wouldn't 'pair' with, hence the new accessories :S.


Anyone been down the Autocom/Blackberry/Bluetooth road?? I'm still in the ditch...



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It would be if I could find where to set it...no luck so far. It 'auto-answers' in or out of the holster when it pairs with my Garmin Nuvi. So I wasn't thinking it needed to be for the autocom..?..


Just remembered where I saw that 'option' once awhile ago...I have to go to the 'phone' page, then 'menu' then 'general option' then there is a choice of 'auto answer' 'out of holster' or 'never'...


Thanks for reminding me about that! I totally forgot you had to put the BB in 'phone mode' in order to access that menu.


I'll try again in the morning! Wonder if that will solve the 'I can hear her but she can't hear me' issue as well. Wouldn't that just be my lucky day, eh?



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thus the reason I pair my crackberry curve to my zumo. tap the answer button on the Zumo screen and I'm talking.

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On my Blackberry 8830, to set auto answer you do the following:


press phone, press the bottom to the left of the track ball, options, general options, auto answer calls, press out of holster.


The 9700 should have a similar sequence.


I hope this helps.


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Paul In Australia
thus the reason I pair my crackberry curve to my zumo. tap the answer button on the Zumo screen and I'm talking.


This is the preferred method of operation. is there a reason you don't do it this way. Do not need dongles then.

In Ozz, I am aware there has been issues with BB and pairing to BT products.



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I had no problem at all pairing my BB Pearl to the Autocom and fixing the "Auto answer out of the holster" setting to allow automatic answering when it rings. Lmar's solution would work for mine, even though it's a different model from his.

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thus the reason I pair my crackberry curve to my zumo. tap the answer button on the Zumo screen and I'm talking.


This is the preferred method of operation. is there a reason you don't do it this way. Do not need dongles then.

In Ozz, I am aware there has been issues with BB and pairing to BT products.




There is indeed a reason Paul...I don't own a Zumo. I own a 376c. No bluetooth capability. So I have to go thru the Autocom, which is why I spent 105.00 Pounds ( $174.01 Can$ ), to get the 'updated' dongle and loom for my helmet.


I did remember how to find the 'auto answer' selection in the 'sub-sub' menu in the phone section on my Blackberry last night, so I'm going to try that shortly. I doubt that will solve the lack of 'outgoing' voice but ever optimistic....I head out to the shop once again :-).


thanks all,


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OK, so tried the 'auto answer' and it 'doesn't'...still with the ringing in the earplugs but never answering. This Blackberry thing has me puzzled.


Anyone using an iPhone and Autocom? Like in paired to the Autocom, not some other device and then the autocom...


If I don't come up with a solution, my riding days are numbered. Like max 8 days a month, cause I'm on standby the other 22...:-(.



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Well I hope that doesn't happen, but I can tell you I had a similar problem trying to connect a Palm 650 to autocom. Was told there was an incompatibility issue.


Now rather than limit your riding, consider a Cardo Scala Rider. I have used a couple of units, and people never know I am riding while on the phone. Business not pleasure calls or I would just not answer.


I am using the Tour with the Scala Rider Q2 currently.


I know you already have made an investment, but to curtail riding, I would try the Scala Rider.



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Well I hope that doesn't happen, but I can tell you I had a similar problem trying to connect a Palm 650 to autocom. Was told there was an incompatibility issue.


Now rather than limit your riding, consider a Cardo Scala Rider. I have used a couple of units, and people never know I am riding while on the phone. Business not pleasure calls or I would just not answer.


I am using the Tour with the Scala Rider Q2 currently.


I know you already have made an investment, but to curtail riding, I would try the Scala Rider.



Hmmm, I'll have to look into it..I wonder though, will my XM from the Garmin 376 still come thru?


As another option I have been considering selling my lovely Garmin 376c and replacing it with a newer, ( and not as bright touch screens...) Garmin that has bluetooth built in. Then I guess I could pair the Bold with the Garmin, pair the Garmin with the Autocom, and have my XM and phone both working again.


There has to be a way around the problems created by 'advancing' technology :-).



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Well what I can add then is I had a BMW Nav II that can no longer be repaired. Didn't want to pay the price for the Garmin Zumo, so I ended up with a Nuvi 765T. And I liked it so much I purchased on for my wife's car also.


For $240 at Costco you get the 765T, with Traffic and Lifetime maps. Compared to the ZUMO, I think I can purchase replacements for both and still be ahead.


The Nuvi 765T had the ability to store 10 routes, something most of the Nuvi's do not have. It is not waterproof, nor is it listed for motorcycles.


Just started to use it on the bike the last two weeks, seems to be OK.


Have not paired it to the Scala Rider, but it does pair to the BB Tour very easily.


One other issue with the 765T with traffic is the traffic receiver is in the power cord so hard wiring to the bike may not be that easy. So I have just been plugging it into the power outlet.


Wish I could give you more, but that's all I have for now. And I hope you resolve the volume level without any additional purchases.


Good Luck.

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Been doing some research on a new(er) GPS...and the Garmin 665 looks pretty cool, but at almost a thousand dollars ( Can $ anyway...), pretty easy to pass on.


So I like your thinking, even though its not 'motorcycle specific'...and so not waterproof, it still might provide a method of 'connecting the dots' so to speak. And I have a Garmin 760 in my truck.


Maybe I can cobble up something to work around all this 'new' technology...:-).


Thanks for the idea!



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I am now trying to pair my Nuvi 760 to the Autocom...and the Nuvi 'see's' the Autocom but gives a passkey of '1234'...and since I have no idea how to enter the 'passkey' in the Autocom...it fails.


Man if I didn't have a 3 year contract on the darn Blackberry Bold I'd happily go back to the 'older' technology in a nano second!


Anyone tried to pair a Nuvi with the Autocom and found a way around the 'passkey' requirement?



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Do you have documentation for the Autocom BT dongle?


If I remember right, the passcode used by it is "1234".

[edit] If "1234" doesn't work, try "0000".




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I have the new Super Pro Auto system on my R12RT. I purchased the bluetooth dongle p/n 2223 for use with my iphone.


I've found the dongle to be generally useless, for the following reasons:


It appears to have very limited range. With the dongle under the back seat and the iphone in the tank bag, the phone would ring, but I would get either no sound in, or my caller could not hear me. I repositioned the dongle to on top of the tank next to the radio, and have had only a slight improvement. It still misbehaves about 75% of the time. So I lose 3 out of 4 calls.... :P


The dealer suggested it was the iphone, but it is NOT. I get an instantaneous (and faultless) pairing between the iphone and my BlueAnt ST3, which works beautifully from up to 10m away! I also tried pairing my old Dopod 838Pro to the Autocom, with similar results to the iphone.


Therefore, it's my conclusion that the dongle is at fault. :mad:


I will be taking it back at the next opportunity and trying another dongle (fortunately they are plug-and-play). If the second one doesn't work I'll be seeking a refund. I'm VERY disappointed because the main reason I bought the unit was for its bluetooth connectivity.


John R.


P.S. The passkey is now 0000 (page 7 of the book)

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For gawd sakes will someone please sort this out for Jack. If I'm riding in the Ottawa area I want the assurance that he's on call. Of course if he's an OB/GYN please disregard this message. :dopeslap:


(Hi Jack, hope you do get this sorted out to your satisfaction). :wave:

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Well John you may have the answer...the Autocom bluetooth dongle is the weak link in the system. Although it did work well using my old Motorola 870 flip phone. That was using Autocom part # 1276 ( Autocom Bluetooth Adaptor ( pre 06 only )).


Much to my surprise when I went out for my first ride this spring, a couple of weeks ago now, the old 'dongle' refused to even pair with my new Blackberry Bold 9700. I tried every combination of settings I could think of...no luck. FAILED, FAILED, and FAILED.


OK, so called Autocom ( now Starcom, or Tecstar Electronics Ltd. ) in the UK and they said, "Oh, so you want to pair with a Blackberry device...well, you will need the new improved dongle...part # BTM-01-A ( old # 1273 it seems by the box ). That will be 65.00 Pounds plus shipping please, and all your problems will be solved". Right. NOT.


The new 'dongle ( BTM-01-A ) pairs with the Blackberry alright, but for some reason the Blackberry refuses to 'auto answer' even when it is selected to do so whenever it is 'out of the holster'..per the sub-menu on the phone. And even if I push the 'answer' button on the phone I can hear the caller but no way can they hear me...grrr.


So now...I find myself looking at eBay for used Garmin 550's in the hope that if I were to buy one, ( a discontinued model mind you, but all I can afford after all the money I have spent on the bloody Autocom ), I could then pair the Blackberry to the Zumo 550 and hard wire the Autocom to the Zumo.


Who knows, this biking thing is a terrible addiction, MUST RIDE!! MUST KEEP JOB so I can RIDE MORE ( than once a month...:-)).


A solution is out there, probably just need to keep throwing money at it...



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John Bentall

I am sure that the answer is the continually evolving state of Bluetooth protocol software.

Garmin quite cheerfully admit that the bluetooth stack (whatever that is!) on the Zumo 660 is quite different to that on the 550 and probably all the phones are also using different bluetooth stacks.

So it would appear that there is no particular reason to expect that any phone will pair with any other piece of hardware - Autocom or otherwise. It more a matter of luck.

It would be nice if someone who understands all this bluetooth stuff would kindly manage our expectations.

I have a new Nokia N900 phone and I can tell you it is useless as a phone for motorcyclists. Definitely no auto-answer and no directory swapping with my 2820.

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I agree John, I took my wife's phone this morning, a twin to the one I was using until the company mandated a Blackberry...tried it, and it paired perfectly with my Autocom. When she called me from the house phone, it answers after 2 rings and we hear each other perfectly.


So now it seems the simplest way to still be available while out for a ride is to take her phone with me, pair it to the Autocom, and forward my BB to her number. Means carrying 2 phones, but what the hell, at least I'm riding!


If both phones used a sim card I could just swap cards but no such luck...



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OK, time for an update on my BB vs Autocom debacle...first off, I am happy ( actually hysterically happy would be more like it!! ) to report that everything is working absolutely perfectly as of a couple of hours ago!!


Now when I walk into the shop and turn on the Autocom on the bike, my BB, in the holster immediately pairs and if I have my helmet on and connected...and someone calls me, the Autocom answers after 2 rings, and the conversation is crystal clear, in BOTH directions. AMAZING!!!!! No 'auto answer' or any other selection required on the BB, just need the bluetooth selected to 'on'.


How did this miracle occur? Well, after swapping 'dongles', helmet mics, helmet wiring looms, connecting cables, phones, etc. I suddenly noticed when I was trying to pair the BB, ( for the uptenth time ), that after I put the dongle down and picked up the phone the little red led flashed for a moment at a slightly different speed. I got out my voltage tester and after about an hour of frigging around discovered that the voltage was fluctuating between 4.8v and 12.6v depending on which way I set the dongle down...Sooooo, the BB was only 'half pairing' now and then, which would account for the inability to answer automatically and also the fact that I could hear incoming voice but had no outgoing audio. At least that is my theory...


So a new soldered and shrink wrapped connection to a steady 12v and all is good...nay, GREAT!! Happ, happ, happy!! What an ordeal, but lesson learned.



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Hallelujah!!! :clap::clap::thumbsup:


Jim, excuse my ignorance but why did you wife's phone work and not your BB? Is it because your BB requires the dongle and your wife's phone doesn't?

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Well a good question, my only answer is that it was just another one of those random missiles fired off to distract you from the actual cause of the problem.


But more likely, the multi-strand power wire, which was down to like, 3 strands when I repaired it, was able to pass enough 'juice' to satisfy the older phone...but not the more sophisticated BB. Hence the 'one way only audio with the BB, but OK with the old 'flipper' phone.


Really I dunno...but I'll be holding my breath when I go out later today to 'double-check' the functionality of the 'repair'.



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