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Escort w/Autocom Volume Problem: Again


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I posted regarding this problem a month or so ago. Had not used the Escort 8500 since until today.


Here's the problem: When the Escort is powered up, it goes through its self-test routine. By the time it is about 2/3 done, (just a couple of seconds) volume is diminishing to zero. When tagged by a radar unit, only get a split-second full volume beep, then goes to almost silent then silent.


Auto Mute on the Escort is programmed OFF.


I've got the Escort hard-wired, and am using a mono cable, mono-to-stereo adapter and a ground loop isolator, all in line between the audio out and Aux 3 (recommended input)on my Autocom Active Plus 200. Switching to Aux 2 makes no difference.


Without the audio-out cable, using the Escort speaker, there is no volume reduction.


All other Autocom functions (music, voice) work perfectly.


Escort tech support says never heard of this before.


One final note: Hard-wire power lead has an in-line momentary button, i.e. a remote mute button from a third party. Works perfectly with the Escort speaker, also mutes the audio out if I hit it immediately during the self-test before things go quiet. I cannot imagine this is the problem; it's just a power lead with a temporary break (button) in it. You can see what I'm using here: http://tinyurl.com/yh5oysr


Ideas? Driving me crazy. Er. CraziER.



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At least in Pro-AVI there is an internal switch to choose between automatic volume control and manual volume control for Aux2 and Aux3.

I haven't read the manual for Active Plus so I'm not sure if same selection exists in that one too.

If it is there, I'd give the manual vol control a try.




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At least in Pro-AVI there is an internal switch to choose between automatic volume control and manual volume control for Aux2 and Aux3.

I haven't read the manual for Active Plus so I'm not sure if same selection exists in that one too.

If it is there, I'd give the manual vol control a try.





You may be correct, Mikko. Manual says "there are a variety of internal adjustments which can be made...please contact your dealer or visit our website..." Website has nothing I can find; my dealer...wait, I don't HAVE a dealer!

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Opened the case and there's a bunch of things to fiddle with. Chose the obvious one, next to Aux 3 input, did nothing when I turned it every which way.


Does anyone know of a dealer, perhaps, who is knowledgeable enough to help me with this?



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Is anything plugged into AUX 1? If so, unplug it and try Escort again.


Already tried that, Bob, Aux 1 or 3, same difference. Aux 2 is stereo music input.

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....did nothing when I turned it every which way.


I'd be looking for a little white/yellow slider switch, or two position jumper switch, not anything you can turn.




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Understood, Mikko, that's what I was looking for, too, but only found stuff to turn.


Here's a photo. The red arrow points to AUX 3



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Active PLUS is not automatic volume like Pro-AVI, so nothing inside to ajust/effect this.


I think the problem is down to the interface lead not being wired correctly and/or lack of proper ISOLATION?


Get a test meter and see if it bleeps through for any contacts on one end to any contacts of the other end of your isolation interface lead, if it does THERE'S YOUR PROBLEM!


Aux 3 socket has 4 contacts


Tip Mic+

Next Left and Right Speaker+

Next VOX

Next Earth


Make sure that your audio output (+ and -) is connected to Aux 3 contacts Left and right speaker+ and to earth. It should make no difference which audio output wire is connected to each audio input wire if isolation is used, but make sure that the two wires do not short together.


MAKE SURE that a 4 pole plug is used into Aux 3 and that the VOX wire is NOT CONNECTED.


Using a 3 pole plug into Aux 3 will short earth to VOX contacts causing problems


The white adjusters only affect the audio output levels for each Aux; if you have adjusted these you may find the audio outputs are now too high or too low?




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Mark, couple things. 1) have you tried eliminating the isolation GLI and the mono-to-stereo adapter to see if that affects it? I realize the sound may be garbled or 1-channel but its worth a try 2) What about other audio sources plugged into the jacks--do they also cause this?


I think you need to call Autocom.


Edit--hooray! Tom B is back! :clap: He was typing while I was typing.


Tom--are you available for stuff like this occasionally?

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Active PLUS is not automatic volume like Pro-AVI, so nothing inside to ajust/effect this.


I think the problem is down to the interface lead not being wired correctly and/or lack of proper ISOLATION?


Get a test meter and see if it bleeps through for any contacts on one end to any contacts of the other end of your isolation interface lead, if it does THERE'S YOUR PROBLEM!


Aux 3 socket has 4 contacts


Tip Mic+

Next Left and Right Speaker+

Next VOX

Next Earth


Make sure that your audio output (+ and -) is connected to Aux 3 contacts Left and right speaker+ and to earth. It should make no difference which audio output wire is connected to each audio input wire if isolation is used, but make sure that the two wires do not short together.


MAKE SURE that a 4 pole plug is used into Aux 3 and that the VOX wire is NOT CONNECTED.


Using a 3 pole plug into Aux 3 will short earth to VOX contacts causing problems


The white adjusters only affect the audio output levels for each Aux; if you have adjusted these you may find the audio outputs are now too high or too low?




Thanks for the reply, Tom, and welcome back. I didn't move the white adjusters...well, I did the one, but put it back where it was originally.


I'm afraid you're answering properly, but to a relative nincompoop:


Is 'proper ISOLATION' a ground loop isolator?


I don't understand the test meter suggestion at all. I have a multimeter, but don't know what you want me to do with it


I do apologize for my ignorance, but am always rather more grateful than most. Here are photos of the connections starting at the Escort's audio out (RECOMMENDED SETUP FROM BOBBYBOB):














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Get a test meter and see if it bleeps through for any contacts on one end to any contacts of the other end of your isolation interface lead, if it does THERE'S YOUR PROBLEM!


The way I read that, is set your meter as a continuity checker (ie if you touch the 2 leads together it beeps). Then put one lead on each of the GLI input plug contacts in turn, while touching the other lead to each of the opposite end of the GLI output plug contacts in turn, to see if theres a straight thru circuit. I don't know how that could happen but maybe Tom has seen a faulty GLI with a short thru it...??


Your GLI is a *stereo* GLI--correct?

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Well, here's the latest: Brian at the New York distributor returned my call and immediately said all the things TomB said, only using American English. Didn't help, I still don't understand. Regardless, Brian is going to modify an Autocom-branded isolator for me, deleting something from one of the "poles" (I'm guessing, I din't unnerstan) and he says it should work. If not, he says he'll fix it or give me my money back. Easier for this moran to do than spend hours trying to figure it all out.


On the other hand, return email from the "new" UK Autocom support was relatively horrible, in part: "To be absolutely honest I don't have much of an Idea as we don't have that detector over here, and ive never heard of that happening before," and then went on to recommend one of the U. S. distributors.


Anyhow, Tom, thanks again for trying to help me with this.


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I am sure that your problem is your interface lead, and Brian is your best local (US) option to help your sort this out, after all Brian DOES CARE and I trained him so he knows what you need.






I cannot offer the same level of support that I used to when I was Autocom, but I will look in from time to time and try to help when I can, after all I may one day start something up again and my customer support is what made Autocom what it WAS.




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I am sure that your problem is your interface lead, and Brian is your best local (US) option to help your sort this out, after all Brian DOES CARE and I trained him so he knows what you need.






I cannot offer the same level of support that I used to when I was Autocom, but I will look in from time to time and try to help when I can, after all I may one day start something up again and my customer support is what made Autocom what it WAS.




Oh, like you're the first one to tell me I need SERIOUS HELP? HAH!

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I had exactly the same problem using radio shack components. I have the Pro 7 sport so maybe that makes a difference. I called Top Gear and they sent me the isolater made by Auto Com and referred me to another dealer for the mono to stero lead. Once installed solved the problem and everything works perfectlyl.

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Problem solved, via McGuire Distributing, in particular Bryan.


Received modified Part 1282 yesterday, an isolator. Bryan did something which deactivated the VOX control pole (I dunno, I am just using words I heard) and now the Escort bursts my eardrums.


VERY good service from McGuire, the Northeast U. S. Autocom distributor. For what it's worth, Mr. McGuire hizzownself told me that the new owners are shipping product, and being generally useful.

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Problem solved, via McGuire Distributing, in particular Bryan.


Received modified Part 1282 yesterday, an isolator. Bryan did something which deactivated the VOX control pole (I dunno, I am just using words I heard) and now the Escort bursts my eardrums.


VERY good service from McGuire, the Northeast U. S. Autocom distributor. For what it's worth, Mr. McGuire hizzownself told me that the new owners are shipping product, and being generally useful.

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