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SignalMinder is not minding!


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My Kisan SignalMinder has started having a mind of its own. It just flashes hazard. Can not clear. I put the old flasher back in and flashers and cancel work normally.


Is this time for a new one? Has this happend to someone else? Any ideas of where to check?



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I started having issues with mine a while ago. It would randomly not cancel the turn signal, it was pause momentarily when you hit the cancel button but would continue after it was released. I removed it before it got to bad and installed the standard relay. Mine came with the bike when I purchased it used, but I didnt care for it that much anyways so I swapped it with another bike.

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Try and reset to whatever timeout you initially used. Mine had stopped working, but I now suspect was simply reset somehow (low battery and a voltage drop on startup perhaps) to the off position. Once reset, several months ago, all is once again well.

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