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Bluetooth, iPhone, Garmin & Frustration!


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Complex setup, simple question:

I have a BMW Navigator IV (aka Garmin 660 with an BMW cradle) and can pair an iPhone to it. However, I want to plug earphones into the Nav, and listen to my iPhone's music.

Q: Am I out of my mind? (Uh, I mean, "Can I do it?") (...because up to this point, I can't....)

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John Bentall

Nor does the Zumo 660 have the provision for what you are expecting to do. You will have to either

1) Move the music onto the Nav IV or

2) Buy a hub unit such as an Autocom or Starcom and prioritize the audio sources within that unit.

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The cradle for my Zumo 550 has a jack on it for earbuds. You can get MP3 and GPS from the Zumo. However--and a big however it is--if I connect my bluetooth headset and phone, the jack on the cradle no longer works and all sound wants to come through the headset speakers.


My answer was to replace the helmet speakers with an earbud jack from Radio Shack.





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The cradle for my Zumo 550 has a jack on it for earbuds. You can get MP3 and GPS from the Zumo. However--and a big however it is--if I connect my bluetooth headset and phone, the jack on the cradle no longer works and all sound wants to come through the headset speakers.


My answer was to replace the helmet speakers with an earbud jack from Radio Shack.





Uh... doesn't that mean that all your music would be in MONO? And, how did that affect the battery life on your bluetooth helmet headset?


Don't get me wrong. I have the same set-up, but I wanted stereo music so I just got a pair of etimotic buds and plugged it into my ipod. My Cardo Q2 headset is set to full so I can hear the GPS instructions over the music.


I also bought a waterproof remote control for the Ipod so I can pause the music if I get a phone call, without having to fumble for the Ipod.


I've also started to notice that the battery life on my Cardo Q2 is starting to decay. (It's one of the original Q2's from about 3 years ago) so I've decided to try a wired system and bought an Autocom Active-Plus. I haven't installed it yet, as I still need a few parts.

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OH, but the way, to the OP, My friend pairs his Iphone 3Gs to the Zumo 550, and plugs a set of earbuds into the Iphone for music. This works just fine, and in stereo.


If you have a newer Cardo Q2 it should have an MP3 jack which you could plug the iphone into and it would intigrate properly with the GPS audio. (i.e. it would mute the music when the GPS talks or you get a phone call).


Just my 2cents.

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Don't get me wrong. I have the same set-up, but I wanted stereo music so I just got a pair of etimotic buds and plugged it into my ipod. My Cardo Q2 headset is set to full so I can hear the GPS instructions over the music.


I also bought a waterproof remote control for the Ipod so I can pause the music if I get a phone call, without having to fumble for the Ipod.


Hmm, now that might just work with my current setup.


I wanted to try one of the newer BT headsets having used the starcom/Zumo headset for years. I hoped to keep my iPhone paired to Zumo. Pair zumo to Sena SMH10. Pair iPhone to Sena and have it all work. I understood that Zumo music would be mono. I was fine with that since it finally gave me a clean way to run the iPhone music. I figured I'd give the helmet speakers a whirl, even though I've always been an etymotic kinda guy.


Doesn't work as hoped and apparently, it's an iPhone problem. Something about the way it prioritizes..


From the above, it looks like I could keep my iPhone paired to zumo, and zumo paired to Sena. Run etymotic to iPhone. This gives me music through iPhone. Retains zumo phone interface and bt nav. Will this give me phone sound through speakers or through etymotics? Both? Now we're talking! I was about to pull the Sena and sell it off, but it looks like this is a way to do everything I want it to...

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I have the old Camos BMS 600 Bluetooth Headset on my helmet, a zumo 550, my phone, and utilize a WiRevo D1000 bluetooth adaptor to broadcast the music in stereo from the zumo to the headset. With this setup I get stereo blue tooth from the zumo (MP3's and XM, navigation, and phone all via bluetooth. HAs worked great for the past 2 years. Plus when the Mrs. is along we have vox communication. The Camos prioritizes everything navigation prompts and phone calls silence the music. Best of all no wires to my helmet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am absolutely new at this forum stuff but I need help. I have a Zumo 550 Acvite plus and everying works except.......when I make a phone call through Blue Tooth I can hear them but they can't hear me.............help.

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The 550 should be configured "between" the other units.


Start over with your bluetooth pairing, make sure phone is paired to 550 as a phone, and autocom is paired to the 550 as a headset.

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I've got the same setup I think. You didn't say that you have bluetooth to the autocom, just to the phone. Mine works great. You do have both the stero and mono hookups to the Garmin mount right? Stereo to speakers, mono to microphone. from there i'm going into an isolation adapter where both wires plug into and then the one 4 poll lead from there plugs into Aux2 (in my case). Phone is bluetoothed to the 550 and it works fine. If you're configuratin isn't like this get specific here and I'm sure others will chime in!

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