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RE: Shoei Multitec Cleaning


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I have a multitec that is about 6 months old now. I want to clean the inside. All I could find was clean with a neutral cleaning agent. I wrote to Shoei and asked what that was and could they make a recommendation. I got an answer from a tech that said use shampoo.


Does that sound right or should I use something else?

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I run mine through the dishwasher....jus' kiddin'.. :grin:


I use the mildest detergent I can find. Biosuds at REI.


I'm assuming you have detachable liner.



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Shampoo is good- basically the worry is that if you use anything too strong it will damage the glue or the polystyreen liner.

I use very dilute washing up liquid (wait for the howls of derision...) with just a dash of an antibacterial soap or failing that the tiniest tiniest drop of Dettol or bleach.

Loads of hot water- not hotter than hand hot - and thorough rinsing with lukewarm water.


The inside of my Shoei Raid2 is still good after four years.


Conclusion- shampoo good... antibacterial hand soap also good...

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