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Kaoko Cruise control


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Yep. I replaced the Throttlemeister on my '03 RT with a Kaoko and sold the Throttlemeister on the BMWST.com classified section for more than I paid for the Kaoko. Since then I've had Kaoko's on two other bikes. It's an easier installation and better in operation.

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I have one on my GS. I like it better than the Throttlemeister, but I do have an occasional problem. I have somewhat big hands, and when I'm wearing thick cold-weather gloves, I sometimes find myself unintentionally rolling it on. (rarely though) Easy to remedy by keeping my right hand closer to the inside.


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I have had a Kaoko on my R1150RS for a few years that I used to replace a Bob's Wrist Rest with. I never really like the wrist rest that much since it was hard to deploy sometimes but it functioned. The Kaoko was improvement IMO due to the scalloped actuator ring vs the knurled knob on the wrist rest.

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I have a Kaoko on my GS. It's not perfect but it does do what I want it to, allow me to rest my overworked right hand on long runs.


An interesting detail about the Kaoko, it utilises a left-hand thread on the castlated nut, many competitors don't. The neat trick that this achieves is that the throttle lock tends to loosen as you close the throttle, rather than tightening; a sensible nod to safety. It is a well made well thought out little device.


I dealt directly with the South African manufacturer rather than their UK distributor at the advice of another forum and I have to say their service was warm, quick and ifficient.





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Ron, Marty, Ken, and I all agree.


Call the police


Add me to this motley bunch!


I hear sirens!!

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