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Molded Ear Speakers

Charles Elms

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Charles Elms

I currently have custom molder ear plugs. Now I want to take the plunge and get custom molded head phones. A couple of questions come to mind. Could someone help me out on these questions:

1. Wire to molded speaker in the ear, or speaker conndected to ear via air tube?

2. Have you had problems with wires or tubes pulling out of molded plug when removing helmet?

3. If you were to replace your molded speakers, what would you buy and why?

4. Anythnig else I should know before I buy molded speakers?


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1. No question: air tube type. Better sound, more durable, easier to repair if problem.

2) Wired ear plugs: Wires break. Air tube plugs: I have never had a problem, but if the tube pulls out, just push it back in...

I have never pulled out a wire or a tube when either putting on or removing my helmet.

3) I've acquired all my plugs (I have multiple sets) from Arizona Al on this board. He does a great job!

4) Assuming you're using an intercom system (Autocom, etc...) make sure to get a headset/lead that can accept the earplugs.

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-1 on tubes, way to much noise when they bounce around or get hit by air. I tossed my AZ's after 3 days of this nonsense, very expensive mistake. Went back to the wired one's, 5 years without an issue, don't need to think about where they tuck into or what they will rub against. Other then getting a bit stained they are holding up well and the wires are still near perfect.

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Tubes are only noisy if one wears them outside their clothing. then there will be noise induced into the tubes from wind and the motion of the tubes against the body/clothing.

If one wears the tubes under one's jacket, with just a short section of tube between the jacket collar and one's ear, and a helmet which covers one's ears, there isn't any problem.

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Tubes are only noisy if one wears them outside their clothing. then there will be noise induced into the tubes from wind and the motion of the tubes against the body/clothing.

If one wears the tubes under one's jacket, with just a short section of tube between the jacket collar and one's ear, and a helmet which covers one's ears, there isn't any problem.


That's certainly been my experience and I've had mine from Al since 2007 and put on about 50,000+ miles with them.

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Have had my air ones for about 8 years and probably 200,000kms. Not one problem with them: still sound great, still fit perfectly, would not swap them.


Also perfect on a plane, using your own sound source. No good for plugging into airlines' sockets with adapter, as the in-ear 'phones are just so sensitive. This means that any announcements deafen you.

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