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Adventure Tents


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Well, I guess when that desert storm picks up, the bike would be out of the sand. But, they don't say it withstands any wind. Hm m mm . . .



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I saw a tent with a built-in garage with a Harley in it at Willville a couple of years ago. The walls were more vertical and the tent held two people. Looked interesting.


Only problem I see would be knocking over the bike at two AM while getting out to go pee.





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Neat concept. Looks like it also help addressing the area to dress without having to lay down to do it. Maybe I need to buy a bigger tent...

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Seems pointless to me. I don't even bother bringing a cover for the bike. maybe if that sandstorm rolled through, I might wish I had a cover. Haven't ever seen a sandstorm tho, so i'll take my chances.


Really though - your odds of having the bike topple on top of you have got to be pretty good. unless you camp on the tarmac.


Raise your hands - how many of you have had your bike fall over at the campground?

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$499!!! Holy cow Batman! To me the usefulness would be more in having a place to store gear and to sit on a chair while riding out a rain storm. Sure would not provide any security overnight, and when you think of all the conditions in which we ride how would a little dew in the morning cause any more harm than gravel/sand/rain/snow/hail/etc.

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I want my bike garage to have a remote door opener. :)

I Velcro a mini keychain remote to the top of the clutch lever housing, where it can be triggered by my index finger without removing my hand from the handlebar.

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$499!!! Holy cow Batman! To me the usefulness would be more in having a place to store gear and to sit on a chair while riding out a rain storm. Sure would not provide any security overnight, and when you think of all the conditions in which we ride how would a little dew in the morning cause any more harm than gravel/sand/rain/snow/hail/etc.


Typo on your behalf, just looked it's $399. Looked at the specs too, seems like a well made tent with quality components. Always find if you spend 100 bucks on a tent , it'll last the weekend and that's about it.

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