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Is my Garmin GPS now an obsolete dinosaur?

Sierra Smokey

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Sierra Smokey

Hey guys! I can reasonably say it's been years since I've last been on here. Got married, bought a house, had a kid... holy cow!


Anyways, I've been dinking around the house and thought, "Hey maybe I'll see if there are any firmware updates for my GPS" Turns out there is, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Garmin FINALLY SUPPORTS MAC OS X! Yea! So I updated the firmware, then tried to update the maps. Uhhh my GPS isn't even listed. So let me introduce you to old faithful... My circa 2004ish Streetpilot 2610. Called Garmin, and they no longer support mapping software for my unit. Great. My maps are so old there are entire new neighborhoods that aren't shown on my GPS.


So I'm asking all you owners of the latest and greatest farlkles what is the best new Garmin unit to start looking at for use on my RT? I've got an Autocom, and a handlebar mounted XM, as well as an iPhone. I know the new Garmin units support Bluetooth and allow you to do some cool stuff. I guess I'd just like to integrate everything together as smoothly as possible. How is the Zumo line to use?


Many thanks!

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I have the Zumo 550 hardwired on the bike and really enjoy it - been using it for two years now. I do have the XM radio hooked up, however, you need to use a multimedia cable

to hear the XM. Everything else is bluetooth to the helmet. I put music on my sd card, so I don't have to use up the battery on my IPhone.


There are many different GPS units to choose from but I'm happy with the Zumo 550 plus there are plenty of user groups to help with any issue that will arise. I use this one.

Free to join plus we have some members from this site that are knowledgeable as well.

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I am still using my 2610, and plan to for as long as I can. I believe the last maps available were the 2008 versions. Thats what I got with mine and they are showing their age a little bit, but not enough to consider replacement yet.


If I was going to buy a new one, I would definitly go the Zumo route. I think its about your only choice unless you want to buy a refurbished model (which is a great idea if you want to save some $$$). You could also potentially eliminate your sat radio reciever by using the one built in to the Zumo. But this would also mean that it becomes more difficult to use it more places than on your bike. The actual receiver is in the antenna, so if you wanted to use your Sat radio in your car it would involve bringing along your Zumo AND the antenna.


Integrating it all together with your phone and Autocom shouldn't be any harder than your current system. In fact, I'll bet it would simplify things.......especially if you decided to get a version with the Sat radio built in.

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I have 2009 non NT on my 2610 and it works fine.

Look around,you can probably still get it somewhere.


Now,getting my touch screen to work properly is a whole other issue.

Likely will relegate it to car duty with the remote.

Yes I've tried all the"tricks"about screen issues.


I have a Zumo 550 that works well for all my MC use.


The Zumo 665 looks good for music,bluetooth,etc.

Look at the Sena SMH10 bluetooth headset,getting great reviews.

WebBikeworld has a written and video review.



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Zumo 550, xm ant, cell phone, radar detector, autocom, bike to bike via kenwood radio, all good.

Also check www.zumoforums.com for more info.

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Still using my 2610. Was "refurbished" by Garmin last year.

The holidays brought a new Garmin for the car. The 2610 devoted to scooters only...

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Hey guys! I can reasonably say it's been years since I've last been on here. Got married, bought a house, had a kid... holy cow!


Anyways, I've been dinking around the house and thought, "Hey maybe I'll see if there are any firmware updates for my GPS" Turns out there is, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Garmin FINALLY SUPPORTS MAC OS X! Yea! So I updated the firmware, then tried to update the maps. Uhhh my GPS isn't even listed. So let me introduce you to old faithful... My circa 2004ish Streetpilot 2610. Called Garmin, and they no longer support mapping software for my unit. Great. My maps are so old there are entire new neighborhoods that aren't shown on my GPS.


So I'm asking all you owners of the latest and greatest farlkles what is the best new Garmin unit to start looking at for use on my RT? I've got an Autocom, and a handlebar mounted XM, as well as an iPhone. I know the new Garmin units support Bluetooth and allow you to do some cool stuff. I guess I'd just like to integrate everything together as smoothly as possible. How is the Zumo line to use?


Many thanks!


I guess you haven't been around for awhile. The new garmins make coffee, drive the bike for you while drinking coffee, and provide a special urinal to remove excess fluids created by the filtering of said coffee through the kidneys.


You need to get into this century.



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The Garmin Zumo 665 is certainly the ‘latest and greatest’, but you’re going to need a strong heart when you see the price. There are a lot of units out there these days in the Garmin and Tom-Tom lines, kind of depends on what features are important to you.


Although to take the conversation a step further, I don’t think we’re very far from where standalone GPS units are dinosaurs in general. GPS enabled devices of many types are the direction I believe.

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I'm still using the Map12 from way back. Don't think its even listed on the unsupported devices on the Garmin website anymore. Somehow its reassuring to look over at that old friend that has seen me through some difficult times.

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I still get update maps for the BMW navigator one, Same one Columbus used to discover Barstow. Only 100$ amelican. I ordered a refurbished TOMTOM 330XL instead for 89 buckamundos.

It has traffic updates, if I order that segment up, and loaded maps of Canadidia and the USof A.

Won't tell me where there the nearest BMW dealer is though.

Shuckee darn!

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Look at the 600 series Zumos. The 500 series is headed for extinction soon.


Oh man, I hope not. I just bought one.

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Smokey, as the others said, keep up the hunt and you may be able to find non-NT format maps that are not as old as yours. Don't forget, by the time you bought the 2610 in 2004, it was then by the end of its lifecycle. I still have a 2610 that I keep for the occasions when both my bikes are ridden at the same time.


Something you may look into: the 2820 is also out of production, but still available - at least as a refurb. Actually, I bought mine new for less than $250 on a special sale at http://www.getfeetwet.com/ a little over a season ago. Because they have the "old look", the 2720/2730/2820 StreetPilot units are not in big demand now - so the cost is low. But for me and - I assume - for you, there is a big plus: the same mounting hardware and accessories!


I really like my 2820 and prefer it over the Zumo 550 which I had a chance to use on an overseas trip.


Food for thought.

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+1 for getfeetwet.com


Thats where I bought my refurbed 2610. I got it for a steal and it hasn't skipped a beat. I also doubt I will ever buy a new one when the refurbs are available for good prices, with new maps, and full warranties.

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I still use my 2610 for the bike. While the maps are out of date to a certain degree, the function I bought it for - "Where am I and where is the closest town?" - is still valid. The thing is waterproof - at least as far as water gets to the bike in NoCal, anyway.

The screen has lost some of it's luster, and can be persnickety on where it gets touched, but who isn't at this age?


My original 2610 lost all screen functions, so I bought a refurb'ed unit on eBay at tremendous savings so I didn't have to change any of the mounting hardware on the bike.


As long as it still emits light, I'll keep it.

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I'm another fan of the refurb units (I've had 2). Give me 2 year old technology at 1/4 the price every time.

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I don't think the refurb 2820's are available anymore. Last year when I bought my Zumo 660 I was so disappointed in it, I looked all over for a refurb 2820 to use instead (Garmin has updated the firmware so the 660 is at least usable now). I'd still like to find a good deal on a 2820. One of the best Garmin units I ever had.


The 2610's are great unit expect for the screen.


I'm personally am not a fan of getfeetwet. When I was trying to get a Garmin 660 last year, they gave me a *great* price on it, but kept changing the shipping date further and further out (yet someone else had gotten a 660 from them at a higher price and received it). I ultimately canceled my order from them. They STILL send me emails even though I've requested several times to be removed from their email list.


YMMV, I'm not a fan.

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