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Pannier latching tabs breaking off on '07 RT


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Hello all,

My left side pannier latching tabs on the lid are coming off and falling in between the lid and the inner shell. How do you remove the inner shell from the outer to re-attach these tabs? I've had 3 of the 4 fall off.





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Tim Wilson

Hmm... is it still under warranty? If so, I HIGHLY recommend letting the dealer take care of it. I have taken the inner shell out and I tell you that it wasn't a good time.


If you do decide to tackle it, the shell comes out pretty easily by removing all screws that you can see from the inside. If you're lucky, the mechanism that locks the pannier to the bike will stay intact. Otherwise, it can be a bit of a pain to get it all back together.


Good luck.

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Very unfortunately, it just ran out of warranty last month. Thanks for the reply - I'm referring to the painted lid part not the part with the latch mechanism that attaches to the bike.


I did try to pry the two apart to no avail so far. I'll have to do some serious repair to it as I was able to fish out one of the tabs. They are held on with two rivets. The plastic that it mounts to is broken as some of it came out with the tab. If I can get the shell apart, it looks like some serious epoxy is in my future.


Does anyone know how to dissolve the silicon that was used to stick the shells together?



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Wish I could help you; please keep us informed of how you get them apart. Just looked at mine--so far so good, but the front-most tabs seem to be the ones with the most "wiggle" to them.

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If you are a month OOW, and under the mileage, I'd talk w/the dealer first about help.

Nothing ventured...

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Well it's a bit late to ask the dealer now as I've already torn into it.


I discovered the outer and inner shells are glued together with silicone. It was pretty difficult to get them apart. I didn't have much to lose since it's about $500.00 to buy a new cover. I ended up cutting the inner shell down along the width with a Dremal. Once I did that, I could get more leverage to pull the halves off the outer shell. It took some work with a putty knife and brute force, but they finally popped free. The plastic the latches were mounted to was flimsy. I think the previous owner probably overloaded the pannier or jammed it.


I'm in the process of epoxying the latch tabs back on. It will be a bit of a patch job once finished due to having to cut it up, but not visible on the outside.



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I have it all put back together. You can see some of the epoxy on the inside along with some black silicone I used on the cut down the center. I'm waiting on the silicone to set over night before I attach the lid to the base. I wouldn't want to do this again as it was a pain, but I have to say, worth the alternative to spending $500 on a new lid. I'll let you all know how it holds up when I get it all mounted.



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Pannier is mounted back up and works fine. Check out your hinge screws when you get a chance. All of mine were loose. I used a bit of blue Locktite.



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