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Zumo 665 Question

Steve Kolenda

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Steve Kolenda

I have my Zumo 665 attached via usb port inside the battery compartment to my computer to charge the battery. All I see on the Zumo screen is Garmin and a graphic of a cable from the Zumo to the computer. Is it possible to actually use the Zumo while it is connected to the computer. See a map, routes or other things? I'm assuming it is the same as the 660.



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The 665 is the same unit as the 660 apart from XM weather and Traffic. Once you open the battery / usb compartment you effectively put the unit into PC mode. You can only upload/ download info without being able to use any functions. I Found this a pain at first but providing you follow the onscreen prompts from your PC you soon get used to it.

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Steve Kolenda

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I'm not sure what on screen prompts you are referring to. I am able to send to the gps as I have done in the past with my 276C but see no new on screen info.

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The prompts you get when you update the units software via Garmin dashboard. You see nothing on the unit itself. Just make sure you follow the instructions as you update because a friend of mine disconnected his unit before it had completed an update and it corrupted the unit. I am more than pleased with the 660 just wished i had waited for traffic and weather. I suppose its the same with any electrical apps these days, obsolete as soon as you take them out of the box

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What you are seeing is the correct operation. In ‘Garmin logic’ when you are attached to the PC you are expected to be doing everything in MapSource, not on the unit.


The PC does see it as a standard removable storage device, so by using the Stop utility it will release the unit. About the only reason to do that though is if you want to charge the unit via your USB output. Slow, but it does charge it in a pinch.

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Thanks for taking the time to respond. I'm not sure what on screen prompts you are referring to. I am able to send to the gps as I have done in the past with my 276C but see no new on screen info.


Not to get off topic but I see you were using a 276 prior to the 665 Steve...and was wondering how the two units compare, in your opinion. I just sold my 376c in anticipation of the 665 arriving at my local dealer any day now, and have been concerned by his comments that I am going to "really miss" the 'bright' screen on the 376.


How do you feel about it? Anything else you could comment on as far as comparisons go?




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Thanks for taking the time to respond. I'm not sure what on screen prompts you are referring to. I am able to send to the gps as I have done in the past with my 276C but see no new on screen info.


Not to get off topic but I see you were using a 276 prior to the 665 Steve...and was wondering how the two units compare, in your opinion. I just sold my 376c in anticipation of the 665 arriving at my local dealer any day now, and have been concerned by his comments that I am going to "really miss" the 'bright' screen on the 376.


How do you feel about it? Anything else you could comment on as far as comparisons go?





Jim, check this out thread at ADVRider where a guy compares his new 660 to his earlier 276C.



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Thanks Mark, I regularly frequent the ADVRider board but had missed that thread, well done comparison, albeit early in his impression curve.


Be interesting to read his comments after the 5 week trip...geezz, a 5 week bike trip, lucky guy! Those of us still working for our dinner can only dream of the day! And hope we are alive when the day comes, ha,ha...



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Steve Kolenda



I have just received the 665 and am in the process of getting it mounted to my bike. I have played with it some but not had a chance to get out on the road and really use it but it certainly is different and will take some time to get use to. I am hoping the positives out-way the negatives.



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