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Screen coating on Navigator II


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I saw a glob of something on my Navigator II screen and tried scratching it off. Big mistake. It seems there is a coating that is now peeling off the screen. Anyone else have this happen? Can I get a new screen?

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Yes, very common and well known issue. You prolly won't be able to get anything done as the unit has been discontinued for some time. Garmin only does refurb exchange. Give 'em a call and see if they have any left. The Nav II is the 2610. Exact same unit. The Nav II was BMWs marketed version that said Nav II and came preloaded with BMW dealer locations.


Otherwise just use it as is. It won't affect its operation. Mine did it a loooooonnnggg time ago and I had it swapped under warranty but it function for the two months I used it before the swap without issue.


Hope this helps.

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This very thing happened to my Nav II after it got submerged overnight in a flood. The unit dried out, and in a week or so started working again. I called Garmin about the screen, and explained how it happened. The unit was was way out of warranty, but they told me to ship it to them anyway. Shortly thereafter, a new/refurbished unit arrived in the mail at no charge.


Amazing company, Garmin. :thumbsup:



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yup, it happened to mine... I just slapped some clear packaging tape from the USPS on it. ( I thought it couldn't hurt and it didn't). I still have the touch screen functionality. For the most part, this unit is still working well but every once in a while it wigs out on me...

While I'm thinking about it... what map version are you guys running? I'm using the original that came with it (purchased in 05) not sure if the updated map version will fit.

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Unfortunately Garmin no longer supports maps for the SP 2610. Last map update was late 08 or early 09. Wish they had not stopped; that model was the best model ever made, IMO. Next best, IMO, is the SP 2720, and maps are available for that unit. Refurbished devices can be found for around $125.


Good luck!

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