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Query: Airshell jacket & Armor


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Dear List,

Pardon what may be duplicative of other threads. I'm in search of a new mesh. My current candidates are the BMW jacket, the Tourmaster Air Intake 2, and the Olympia. I already own an Olympia winter jacket, so I'm familiar w/ their product.


I'm inquiring for 2 qualities in the Mesh jackets: 1) armour; 2) the amount of airflow there actually is (ie, how hot can you ride and this jacket still cool). It seems to me that the biggest differences between the jackets I've already looked at is armor, so given no great differences in airflow, I'll take good armor, which BMW seems to have. Appreciate feedback from those who've purchased any of these jackets.


Thanks in advance



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I just wrote a full year test on the Airshell, due out in MCN soon. My findings were that the Airshell is good to about +95C, after which point a true Mesh jacket provides more airflow, at a cost in protection since the Airshell would surely hold up better than any pure mesh in a crash. The Airshell is not unbearable above +95C so I would suggest it as an alternative to pure mesh.


The NP back pad, standard last year, is now an extra cost item (about $50) not included with the Airshell. It is HUGE, measuring about 13.5" across and 19" top to bottom at the farthest points, yet the NP armor is VERY comfortable to wear and does not get stiff during the cold like the usual CE armor in most other products.


With the liner in, I was able to take the Airshell down into the low 40s with no problem, so it can be used as a true 3 season jacket with an emphasis on primarily warm weather riding. Without the liner +65 - +95 is ideal.


The quality is superb and it's held up perfectly over my testing period.



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To me the best combination for a mesh jacket would be a motoport kevlar mesh with T-Pro 4 layer armor. I am much less impressed by the motoport armor than many with that jacket (yes I own 2 air mesh kevlar jacket/pants suits). I have found that my second suit seems to have somewhat more comfortable armor than the first.


In one jacket I had replaced all the armor with T-Pro Extreme but like the salesman warned me I found it way too heavy so I replaced it with the original armor. I have used the 4 layer T-Pro in pants (didn't use it in the jacket because I couldn't get custom shapes made and it was too different in size to fit).


As for the NP armor, which I have in my Atlantis 4 suit and City pants, I find it to be extremely temperature dependent and it is like a rock when I leave for work in the early AM and it is in the 40's (hangs in the garage with other gear). Since I have a 50 mile commute it does soften by the time I reach work. I try to remember to leave it in the house so that it is soft when I leave.


The BMW ProSafe in my SG2 has always been more comfortable to me than the NP. My wife has a Rukka Air Power and it has an open waffle pattern armor that is also very comfortable and flows air very well. I believe you can buy it separately from the importer. Options are always fun.

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I came across a great deal on Twitter if it can help you : Very Limited offer! Aero Mesh 2 Jacket Black/Blue/Grey US L MSRP $149.99 now available only for $59.95! Call 301-874-1170


Good luck

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