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Wonder why the merchant hasn't posted "the other side of the story" here, as many others have done when wrongfully accused? It would certainly be in their best interest to set the record straight rather than leaving potential customers wondering what really happened.... :lurk:


.... or, they chose to deal with matters of business in a personal, off camera fashion outside of the spotlight of the public who is not informed to the full extent of the circumstance or situation.


I, for one, applaud their not making this a he said/she said spectacle. Let the OP post to his heart's content. His credibility, IMO, is already in question. Let the situation be resolved in a proper business fashion. This, IMO, doe not include always posting it to the public forum for arm chair quarter backing where facts are sparse and conjecture reign.


Well I tried to do so directly with them. But I posted here when they misrepresented the facts.


So someone here recommended I contact them by phone which I did. They have chosen to not give me the dignity of a reply.


I see no reason for them to remain silent.

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All I can do is look at your avatar and, well, I draw conclusions too.


Best laugh I had all DAY!!!



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Jerry Johnston
Yeah, no need to turn this into a pissing match. BTW, what oil do you guys recomend..... :rofl:



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Yeah, no need to turn this into a pissing match. BTW, what oil do you guys recomend.....


Nothing but good service from Cyclegadgets from the several purchases I've made with them.....as for recommended oil, after studying many threads here, I believe the majority would recommend the slippery kind that comes from a silver container.



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I am very pleased to report new developments.


Cyclegadgets has made contact with Kisan and has refunded the balance of the monies except shipping. I applaud them for this resolution. Thanks to the owners for their consideration.

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I haven't had extensive business with cyclegagets, but I am a customer. Really glad they took care of you as I thought they would.


I'll shop at their store first next time--as always.



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I am very pleased to report new developments.


Cyclegadgets has made contact with Kisan and has refunded the balance of the monies except shipping. I applaud them for this resolution. Thanks to the owners for their consideration.



Excellent. Surprised they didn't handle it like this in the first place.

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Just don't buy a headlight modulator from Comagination.


I tried that once, for my previous bike, and I was sent a model that wouldn't fit. I complained, and the guy suggested that I perform surgery on it to make it fit. I insisted on returning it. The owner of the one-man shop then claimed he never received the return -- he said "The postal service must have lost it." I complained to PayPal and that turned out to be the only way to get a refund. After all that, I bought a Kisan and had a good experience.


IMHO there is no comparison -- Kisan has a much better product, and the customer service is honest.

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