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Mapsource route: how to "snip" section


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I created a long route and want to break it into two or more separate sections. I've searched the Help and Mapsource manual, don't see how to do it... :dopeslap:



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There may be a better way but I've done this in the past. Take the original route and duplicate it. In the duplicated route, add a waypoint where you want that leg to end. Now just delete all the other via or waypoints and recalculate. You can repeat for each segment. Sometimes I like to leave the original (long) route in place just as a reference to the entire length even if I'm not going to ride it. Maybe someone else has a more elegant way of doing it.

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Another but similar approach... You can have multiple instances of MapSource open at once... In your ‘master’ route properties copy the small subset of waypoints you want in a new smaller route, then in the other instance of MapSource paste them into a new route.

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Keep the original (long) route. Create additional routes using a subset of the waypoints of the long route. The last multi-day trip I took had the whole route and each day had its own route using the waypoints from the entire route. When you are working in Mapsource just do a Ctrl-R to create another route. Mapsource will give you a selection of waypoints to choose from.

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Well, one or more of these (inelegant, thanks, Garmin) techniques worked on the routes I had created, but I can't subdivide a route which was emailed to me. Only a few via points, and my routing preferences apparently don't match the sender's, i.e. when I copy via points and paste into a new route, the auto-routing feature results in a different, uh, path. Dammit. This shouldn't be such a PITA.


But thanks, guys, the suggestions did help.


EDIT: changing my routing preferences popped up the correct path; had to guess at the sender's preferences (only because he's not handy).

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