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3oz of lead...?%&$#?


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Just mounted a new rear Pilot Road 2 and my trusty Marc Parnes balancer says I need a total of 3 ( :S ) oz. of weights to stop all movement.


Now I had 3/4 of an oz on there from the previous tire to counter the 'SmartTire' pressure/temp monitoring sensor. That made some sense as it was required directly opposite the sensor location on the inside of the wheel. This new tire required additional 2 1/4 oz for a total now of 3 oz in the exact same spot, opposite the sensor.


I haven't ridden it yet, just wondering if anyone else might have experience with having to use what seems like an extra ordinary amount of weight to balance a Pilot Road 2.


I have had tires ( before I installed the SmartTire system of course...) that required little, ( like 1/4 oz ) or no weight.


This amount seems uncommon and I'm wondering if there is possibly a problem with the carcass, just waiting to catch me at the side of the road one day...



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Good idea John, hadn't considered that. I was thinking I had to perhaps buy another tire...



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I'd make sure the Marc Parnes adapter for the rear wheel is properly seated and tightened. I've had mine been slightly loose before, which caused a lot of aggravation getting the wheel/tire balanced until I figured it out...

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Yeah, thanks Michael, I actually had the adapter on the wrong side of the wheel the first time, realized my mistake when I went looking for reasons for the the large increase in weight req'd.


But...it didn't make any difference as far as the balance went, still needed the same weight in the same place.


As soon as I can get into my buddies shop to break the bead, ( probably not until Tuesday at the earliest ), I'll try to rotate the tire on the rim, but that will probably only confirm the tire is bad.


My planned departure on Friday is starting to look like it might get jammed...its a 2 hour drive to the dealer where I bought the tire, sort of an all day deal...maybe sneak it in on Weds or Thurs, depending on work :-(. Grrrr.


Oh, and just to make matters more interesting, the new Autocom part # 2091A, ( headset loom with 3.5 socket for in-ear speakers ) is intermittently dropping the left ear audio. REALLY ANNOYING, and there is like NO chance of getting a new one from England and installing it before I leave...grrrr again.


I end up just turning the volume down rather than having it drop in and out...oh well, back to the good old days, 'sounds of the road', ha,ha.



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If you haven't ridden and heated the tire a few times the bead should not be too set. Try letting all the air out lay the tire on some 2x4's and apply pressure at the bead it'll probably give.

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3oz is an awful lot for a bike tire. Any idea what the SmartTire sensor weighs? Try the 180 idea. If no better I'd consider getting another tire.

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