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Happy Birthday Paul


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No, I didn't post in the wrong subject.


You are a "Bike Related Thing"!


Happy Birthday Old Fart.


It's your day, enjoy. :thumbsup:


C-ya at the UN



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Nice n Easy Rider

Happy Birthday Paul. Hope you get to celebrate it with a nice ride, a good meal, and a great evening with your wife. :)

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Well Paul, I don't know exactly how many birthdays are under your wheels, but I wish you many many more. Everytime an Old Fart reaches another milestone it is a great event. HAPPY BIRTHDAY :Cool:

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Happy Birthday!



I think you were singing along w/your Ipod and I wish I had a picture of the dancing that followed...


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Paul Mihalka

"I think you were singing along w/your Ipod"


Ipod??? What's that? :)

Many thanks, all you guys and gals, for the many good wishes. One of the things that's keeping me working toward the next birthday is planing to see your ugly (guy's only) faces again at the next UN, BRR, or whatever. It's wonderful to have friends like all of you.

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Peter Parts

Damn, I'll never catch up to him, he's too damn smart. But happy birthday anyway.




Footnote: Best wishes that you will still keep ahead of me for many happy (s)miles to come.

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Haerzliche Glueckwuensche zum Geburtstag!




Since Kirsten said that I feel save repeating...I think :grin:

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We met briefly at the BRR a year ago and I just thought this is a guy that has the best of all world's. He hangs out at a dealership and he travels on a BMW bike and does he ever travel!

I'm just amazed at the miles you put on each day and this next trip to the UN seems as if you have a butt of iron and the constitution of a 30 year old. Good on you! I have a brother in San Rafael and if you need a place to stay or kick back for a little bit of time, my brother is a big time cook. Food and rest will be available to you should you like some time off. I'd love to introduce you to him. Happy Birthday!


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