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RE: ZUMO 550 Cradle


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Apparently my cradle went south this weekend. When I plug it in it said device not recognized and then just turned off. I tested the cable and I have 12 volts. I plugged the ZUMO into the car cradle and it works fine. It works fine stand alone, and it works fine plugged into my pc.


Anybody ever have the motorcycle cradle for ZUMO 550 go bad? I started looking for a new one and it looks Amazon has it for about $52.

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You might try calling Garmin. It takes a while to get someone, but each time I have a problem, including the last time when my cradle went south, they help out. Sent a new one even tho it was out of warranty.


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I have had one replaced, but apparently I fixed one.

The contacts on the mount appear to be spring loaded. I purchased some contact cleaner and contact lube. (I think these came from Radio Shack) After cleaning and lubing the contacts, I ran a small piece of hard plastic across the pins to force them to move and let the cleaner/lubricant work it's way in. This procedure has solved the problem twice. Each time this seems to lasts about 18 months.

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Thanks guys. The contacts look ok and the springs appear ok too. I'll give it a whirl and wait for Garmin to write me back. I suspect I'll just order one soon.

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Got my reply from Garmin today...buy a new cradle, no help available. I ordered the cradle from amazon for $52 vs.s $85 on Garmin site.


No hard feelings for Garmin as I was asking for help on an item that has a 1 year warranty that is 3 years old. I am disappointed it failed in the first place, but according to a few of you the cradle does crap out from time to time. Guess I've been lucky.


My last repair scenario with Garmin was sending in a 7 year old airplane GPS for repair that had a 2 year warranty. They sent me a new one no charge, so I thought it was worth a shot.


They did exactly what I would have done in their shoes.

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