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Summer Boots - Waterproof


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Is it possible to find a nice breathable summer boot that's also waterproof? I'm looking for something to wear on a week long trip. I usually wear the BMW Airflow 1 boots but in the rain and winter I have the BMW All Around - I don't like the AA boots in the summer because they're too hot - IMO - but when it's raining they aren't that bad. Sooooo, I'm wondering what you wear during the dry and rain of the summer.


thanks in advance....

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I've been looking for something for my wife like that too. Are you saying the gortex sections on the Airflow boots aren't waterproof? That's too bad since I thought that would be a good choice for her. They seem very light (which is what she really wants), but I fugured they'd be waterproof too. Hopefully there'll be some good suggestions here.


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Here is what I wear year round..I never pack another shoe (except a moccasin). I like them a lot..Keep my feet dry, cool, and warm. They take a while to break in but once they do they are super comfortable, supportive, provide great non slip traction and last forever..



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The BMW Airflows are comfortable and very light weight, but NO they are NOT waterproof.


I was considering the TCX Jupiters but I'm not sure I like the ankle boots compared to the mid calf boots.


I work next to REI so I may go over there and check those hiking boots out.

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+1 on these.


I know Craig wears a pair of these, and likes them alot. You might want to pick his brain next weekend. I bought a pair of Oxtar Matrix boots right when they were switching the name over to TCX. I was down to either the Matrix or the Air, but decided on the Matrix because I needed a 365 day a year boot. That being said, I will probably buy a set of the Airs next and then just swap back and forth depending on the weather. My Matrix boots have held up great considering the daily abuse they go through. I added a set of gel inserts and they are all day comfortable for riding or walking. I'm sure the Airs would be the same way.

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Last Saturday I rode 5 hours in the rain coming back from Americade and my feet were totally dry. I wear them in 90-100 degree weather and am comfortable--BMW Goretex Allround Boot---about $200

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I have a pair of Sidis and while they have kept my feet dry while riding, I just found out the hard way I have worn a hole in the heal of the sole. Not even two years old. This is not from me dragging my heal to stop either, its from walking. Very disappointed. I am back to my very old HiTec zipper boots which appear to not be made anymore :cry:.



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Paul Mihalka

My favorite boots for traveling are the Cruiserworks boots. They are not officially "breathable" but I never had a heat problem. They are waterproof by design and special leather, not Goretex type lining. I like to pack light. I don't have any other boot/shoe/sneaker with me when traveling.



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I have one pair of (riding) boots. Go anywhere, do anything. Well made, last forever. I also have a pair of aerostich rain covers, but even with our wet Seattle winters, I never bother with them.



I'll second that. I expected the Aerostich (made by Sidi) boots to be hot, but they have never felt hot, even in 100+ temperatures. They aren't sold as waterproof, but I've ridden for as long as 8 hours in the rain with them, and still had dry feet. I do treat them once a year or so with a waterproofing product. Cheap to resole, too.

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Just my 2c, but I don't consider hiking boots with laces an acceptable m/c boot...those laces can get caught on something when sliding (for instance the bike you might want to distance yourself from)... I remember at the Salt years ago a guy on a green Kawa

got caught on the rear axle cotter key..at 200mph.He couldn't free himself.. Tore him up pretty good.


Other than BMW all around boots as prev mentioned, you could just use your existing boots and get these: provided ya don't do alot of rain riding year round.





just a thought




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These have worked well for me. I've gone through two pairs in the last 3 years and love them.



2 pairs in 3 years???? Do you ever take them off??? :rofl: That doesn't sound like they last long or are you wearing them a lot?


I wear them a lot, sometimes I won't even bother changing out of them when I get to work. I have done some hiking in them, climbed a few waterfalls, pushed my broken RT a mile in them, I walk about a half mile a day in them to/from my office, etc. There's probably 50,000 miles of riding in that time too and I actually switched to a new pair before a trip. The old pair is still serviceable and I wear them on the dirt bike sometimes.

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I bought the TCX (Oxtar) Air Tech XCR boots. Very breathable, totally water proof, comfortable to walk in. Second season with these; so far so good.


The 'solid' parts aren't leather, but some man-made stuff. None the less, these work great and should afford good crash protection, too.





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Thanks guys, I went to a MC store yesterday and looked at the Air, they look like nice boots. Unfortunately, I'm a GIRL, so the salesman that was helping the GUY in the area, walked away when I came in. I guess girls don't ride enough to need boots, so there was no point in helping me. Yes, I'm whining, so what!


I'll try another place today. I'd rather try on a pair to see how they feel. It's kind of odd spending money on something that you have no idea if they will feel right or not.


I appreciate the input!

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I guess there was something wrong with me too when I decided to buy boots. The sales guy wasn't interested in helping me, so I tried on what I could find (to see what brands and sizes fit properly). Then I ordered them online and saved myself ~$60.


Of course this is the same sales guy that wouldn't help another gentleman in the shop who was carring a check book around and interested in buying two motorcycles (one for him, and one for his Son who was graduatiing college). I gave that nice man my email address, a link to this site, and directions to two other dealers that would be more than happy to take his business.

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Mrs. Caddis

I went looking for boots last fall. What a pain. I was looking for waterproof, but am/was a new enough rider to not think about how hot they can get. I went to every MC shop from Fort Collins to Denver. I like to try them on before I buy! Most places have 1 or 2 styles for women and not what I was looking for. Ended up at Motogear Outlet. At least they had a nice selection to try on. Still had problems with the fit. Settled for a boot out of the mens collection. Good luck on your search.

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Thanks guys, I went to a MC store yesterday and looked at the Air, they look like nice boots. Unfortunately, I'm a GIRL, so the salesman that was helping the GUY in the area, walked away when I came in. I guess girls don't ride enough to need boots, so there was no point in helping me. Yes, I'm whining, so what!


I'll try another place today. I'd rather try on a pair to see how they feel. It's kind of odd spending money on something that you have no idea if they will feel right or not.

I appreciate the input!

I wear a pair of 8" Red Wings. Waterproof, full leather, fine for walking in. About $120. The folks at the Red Wing store don't care about gender, either. :clap:

I have no problems with them being too warm.

Only concern you may have: Whether you need to adjust the shifter to accomodate a taller toe box than you currently have.

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Geez, this is tough! It sucks not having a place to try things on. I wish I was going to the MOA rally! I may just have to take a chance and order a pair. I'm kind of leaning towards the TCX Sunray womens boot.


Here's a good review of them ...... SUNRAY

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Those look almost identical to my Matrix boots. I have had zero complaints about them. Newenough.com has a good chart for their sizing. I usually wear a 12-13 in boots and a 13 in sneakers. I ended up with a size 47 boot and it was a perfect fit. I did add a gel insole for a little more arch support though. That made them a little tight for the first few months. After that, they stretched out and fit great. They are also as waterproof as the day is long. I have never had my feet get wet.......except for when crossing creeks that involve knee deep water :P

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I'm very satisfied with my BMW Allround boots. They're tough, lightweight, and waterproof via a breathable Goretex membrane.



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I have the BMW All around boots but I usually wear them in the winter. To me they are too heavy and warm for the summer months. Just my .02


I just bought a pair off of ADVRider, so we'll see in a week how they do.

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Geez, this is tough! It sucks not having a place to try things on. I wish I was going to the MOA rally! I may just have to take a chance and order a pair. I'm kind of leaning towards the TCX Sunray womens boot.


Here's a good review of them ...... SUNRAY


We ordered a few pairs of them a couple years ago for ladies who seemed to like them.

I'm still sold on SIDI On-Road.

Waterproof, over 100,000 miles, lot's of all day wear with work, walking etc.

But I digress...

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My favorite boots for traveling are the Cruiserworks boots. They are not officially "breathable" but I never had a heat problem. They are waterproof by design and special leather, not Goretex type lining. I like to pack light. I don't have any other boot/shoe/sneaker with me when traveling.




Paul, I didn't realize you wear ladies boots! You wearing any other ladies clothing we don't know about? :lurk:

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+2 for the Cruiserworks. Jane and I each have a pair. The style is such that you can wear them into a coffee shop without looking like we got them off a space-weirdy.

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Paul Mihalka

"You wearing any other ladies clothing we don't know about? :lurk: " I won't tell you! :grin: Sorry, the lady's boots don't fit me, but they are nice. Their men's boots are also good as confirmed by Peter.

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