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Starcomm Digital


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I had the Advanced unit and used with a solo rider only for several years. All worked great.


Now I upgraded to the Digital and now have a passenger.

We use the SH-004 sets with flip face helmets.


The mic on is to sensitive on the second helmet. I appears that the mic is too hot. I can hear everything all the time. I can't touch the helmet with hearing it. It doesn't matter if the face is open or closed.


This is set up in the garage with out the motor running.


I have swapped out different SH-004's with the same result.


I have changed settings on the unit and I don't see any difference.


Any ideas???


Kevin 2009 R1200RT


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Try it while riding?


I took my digital out of the box, installed it, and it 'just worked'.


I wonder if it's too quiet in the garage?


You might also try reset everything to the factory default.

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Both the Advance and Digital units work great with music, two-way while solo. It's when I add the second SH-004 the problems occur.


Tried it while riding. The wind noise is unbearable it starts at 10mph.


I have tried different settings on the Mic/Audio/Vox/Volume.

I have reset to factory settings a couple of times. No change.



Keep the ideas coming - Thanks

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Not sure which settings you've changed. You can adjust the passenger's mic VOX level on the digital. Factory setting is Low - set it to medium or high. See page 3 of your Digital unit's manual, or there's a programming label on the back of the unit - call us if we can help.


It shouldn't be necessary, but you can also use the open face windsock kit. These cost just a few dollars.


Unlike Autocom, where the VOX turns the mic off completely, the Starcom1 mic VOX lowers the mic volume about 80%, but the mic is 'open' all the time. You would not have noticed this, necessarily, when riding solo.


Do you have the sidetone feature turned on (hear yourself in speakers when speaking)?



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I tried the VOX setting, I did not see a change.


I have used wind socks before on other systems and yes they do work. In this case, some of the noise is actually being transferred on the helmet itself.


The side tones are turned off.


I will try and readjust the VOX and then the volume, it could be that I just need to play with the adjustments more.


You are right with a solo rider I would not have noticed the open MIC. As with anything new I just need to practice more, MAYBE.



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Hmmmm... not an issue I've seen before. I would suggest contacting your Starcom1 dealer for a replacement. Or, we have a Digital that we could loan you for a few days for testing purposes.

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