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Garmin 665 maps question


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I see this new unit can be had for about a billion dollars, which seems very reasonable, given its capabilities.


Does anyone know about the maps that come with it? I have an older unit, a 376c, and use City Navigator North America V8, typically planning routes with Mapsource. Does the version of City Navigator which comes with the 665 work with Mapsource? I couldn't figure it out on the Garmin site.


I wish Garmin would put this unit out without the bluetooth stuff, at a lower price, and for that matter, without the mp3 player...but that's beside the point of my question, now, innit?

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When the wife recently picked up a 665 (birthday gift), it came with a free 1-time upgrade to the 2011 city navigator US maps. It was pricey, but around $800 (shipped) with the $100 rebate.

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Mark, I just sold my 376 thinking I had to have the new latest and greatest from Garmin. Wish I could hit the 'rewind' button on that deal...


The 665 has a number of issues I was unaware of when I sold my 376, the most problematic for me is the lack of weather depiction anywhere north of the Canada/US border, not a problem for you I'm sure, unless you are planning a trip north...the other is the screen is NOWHERE near as bright as the 376 screen. I was expecting a difference given the 665 is 'touch screen' and the 376 is not. Also on a recent 1600kms trip over 4 days the unit shut down on its own a total of 5 times. Given the number of folks complaining of the same problem on the 'Zumo' forum I'd say it is pretty commom. We are all waiting for Garmin to come up with a firmware fix, but nothing on the horizion yet...so we live with it. It is random shutdowns, ( crash's really...), and no one seems to be able to pin it on anything specific.

Check this link for lots of chatter on all the Zumo line: http://www.zumoforums.com/index.php?action=forum


Oh, sorry, now that my little rant is over, you had a question, ha,ha, no your maps will not work on the Zumo. It comes with NT 2010, the latest North American coverage.



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Just a note.. NT 2011.1 is the latest.. if you buy a 665, you will be able to upgrade to it for no cost. A buddy of mine just bought a 665 and it came with 2010.2 I believe which is back a couple of versions..

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Mike is correct. Mine did come with the free upgrade to NT 2011.1...


Didn't make my screen any brighter though :lurk::rofl:



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Mike is correct. Mine did come with the free upgrade to NT 2011.1...


Didn't make my screen any brighter though :lurk::rofl:




So, Jim, there's no way to increase the screen backlight, like there is on the 376?

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I have the GPSmap 478 and also have a couple of Nuvis, which the new Zumo's are re-badged versions of. The MAIN difference between the 2 is that the touch screen on the Zumo/Nuvi is just not very user friendly when you want to scroll around, or even for button pushing while riding (not recommended :dopeslap:). If I had to give up my 478 with its manual (i.e. *real*) controls for a touch screen unit, I'd be lost. I do NOT like touch screens for motorcycling (or really any navigation)!


Anyone else feel the same?

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If I had to give up my 478 with its manual (i.e. *real*) controls for a touch screen unit, I'd be lost! I do NOT like touch screens for motorcycling!


Anyone else feel the same?




On my bike, I use a 276C with buttons (I have not used a touch screen on a bike, just a Nuvi in a car). I can easily find -- and push --buttons on my 276C by feel; I don't have to look at it to find them. I wish Garmin had a suitable replacement for the 276/376/478 series GPS's that could be used on a bike. I dread the day when mine craps out.

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Mike is correct. Mine did come with the free upgrade to NT 2011.1...


Didn't make my screen any brighter though :lurk::rofl:




So, Jim, there's no way to increase the screen backlight, like there is on the 376?


Well there is the standard 'brightness' control Mark, but even at 100% in a lot of situations the screen still washes out pretty badly. I have ordered something called 'GlareStomper' which is basically a soft sunshield that is held on by velcro around 3 sides of the unit. Looks kinda tacky but I guess it helps, haven't received it yet...


Like MarcoPolo ( also Mark...), and Bob mentioned, should never have given up my 376, even if it was for a good cause :-(.



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.... I wish Garmin had a suitable replacement for the 276/376/478 series GPS's that could be used on a bike. I dread the day when mine craps out.


What's to replace? They are still part of the line up, even with all the "high tech" touch screens available. That tells you something. But I'm sure Garmin will replace them with a touch screen at some point, in a fit of over-zealous mis-guided marketing hype. Maybe I'll buy another one and keep in the drawer...just in case....SERIOUSLY!!



There are some things that just "work" and that model series is one of them.

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.... I wish Garmin had a suitable replacement for the 276/376/478 series GPS's that could be used on a bike. I dread the day when mine craps out.


What's to replace? They are still part of the line up, even with all the "high tech" touch screens available. That tells you something. But I'm sure Garmin will replace them with a touch screen at some point, in a fit of over-zealous mis-guided marketing hype. Maybe I'll buy another one and keep in the drawer...just in case....SERIOUSLY!!



There are some things that just "work" and that model series is one of them.


They may be on Garmin's website, but they're not readily available around here these days.

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